Resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Kauno Energija

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Kauno Energija has been held on August 10, 2023. The Kaunas City Municipality participated, which voted in advance in writing, owning 39,736,058 ordinary registered shares of the Company that amounts to 92.8 % of all votes, took part in it. The following resolutions were made at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. On reducing the number of the members of the Board of the Company “Kauno Energija”.
The resolution is taking into account that Article 33 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania stipulates that the number of the members of the Board shall not be less than 3, to reduce the number of the members of the Board of the Company “Kauno Energija” to 3 members from 5.

2. On changes in Statutes and granting the powers to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company “Kauno Energija”.
The resolution is to amend the Statutes of the Company to reduce the number of members of the Board to three members. To authorise the Chief Executive Officer of the Company (with the right for delegation of power) to sign the amended Statutes of the Company and all other documents necessary for the implementation of the amendment.

Loreta Miliauskienė, Head of the Economic Department, tel. +370 37 305 855