Bio-Based Leather Market projected to reach USD 1,055 Million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period of 2023-2030 - pronounced by MarketDigits in its recent study

The Global Bio-Based Leather Market was valued USD 670.5 Million in 2023 and projected to reach USD 1,055 Million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period of 2023-2030

Richmond, Dec. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to a research report "Bio-Based Leather Market, by Source (Pineapple, Palm, Hemp, Cork, Leftover Fruits, Corn, Mushroom, Others), Application (Footwear, Furniture, Accessory, Clothing, Bag & Wallet, Sports Equipment, Others), End Use (Automotive, Electrical & Electronics, Sports, Consumer Goods, Others), and Region - Global Forecast to 2030.

Global Bio-Based Leather Market Report Scope:

Report Details
Market size value in 2023 USD 670.5 Million
Market size value in 2030 USD 1,055 Million
CAGR (2023-2030) 6.7%
Forecast Period 2023–2030
Historic Data 2019
Forecast Units Value (USD Million/USD Billion)
Segments Covered Offering, Component, End User and Region
Geographies Covered North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and RoW
  • Adriano di Marti
  • Ananas Anam Ltd.
Sample of Companies Covered
  • Beyond Leather Materials
  • Bolt Threads, Inc.
  • ECCO Leather

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TOC Covers in Depth & Breath on Bio-Based Leather Market
170 - Market Data Tables
65 - List of Figures
225 – Pages

The report includes Vendor Assessment (Company Profiles, Market Positioning, Strategies, Recent Developments, Capabilities & Product Offerings / Mapping), Technology Assessment (Developments & Economic Impact), Partner & Customer Ecosystem (Product Services, Proposition & Key Features) Competitive Index & Regional FootPrint by MarketDigits.

Market Overview

Bio-based leather refers to a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional leather, derived from renewable sources such as plant-based materials or agricultural by-products. In recent years, the market for bio-based leather has witnessed significant growth as consumers and industries increasingly prioritize environmentally conscious choices. This surge in demand can be attributed to the rising awareness of the environmental impact associated with traditional leather production, including deforestation and extensive water usage. The bio-based leather market has seen a notable shift in consumer preferences toward cruelty-free and sustainable products. As more individuals seek alternatives to conventional leather, companies specializing in bio-based leather, such as Natural Fiber Welding, Ananas Anam Ltd., and MycoWorks Inc., have gained prominence. These companies focus on innovative technologies and materials, often harnessing the potential of natural fibers, mycelium, or agricultural waste to create durable and aesthetically appealing bio-based leather. In the footwear industry, major players are incorporating bio-based leather into their designs to meet the growing demand for sustainable products. Additionally, the furniture and fashion sectors are increasingly integrating bio-based leather into their collections, responding to the call for environmentally responsible choices by consumers.

Major Vendors in the Global Bio-Based Leather Market:

  • Adriano di Marti
  • Ananas Anam Ltd.
  • Beyond Leather Materials
  • Bolt Threads, Inc.
  • ECCO Leather
  • Fruitleather Rotterdam
  • Modern Meadow
  • MycoWorks
  • Nat-2
  • Natural Fiber Welding, Inc.
  • Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven
  • Toray Industries, Inc.
  • Ultrafabrics Holdings Co., Ltd.

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Rising concerns related to data privacy

The harmful effects of traditional leather on human health have become a significant driver in propelling the Bio-Based Leather Market forward. Conventional leather production involves an array of toxic chemicals, including heavy metals and harmful dyes, posing serious health risks to both industry workers and end consumers. Workers in leather processing are frequently exposed to hazardous substances that can lead to a spectrum of health issues, from respiratory problems to skin disorders. One of the primary concerns with traditional leather production is the extensive use of chromium in the tanning process, a known carcinogen associated with lung cancer and respiratory ailments. The toxic chemicals utilized in leather production can also contaminate nearby water sources, posing threats to communities living in proximity to leather manufacturing facilities.

Market Dynamics


  • Harmful effects of leather on humans promoting the use of bio-based leather
  • Rising urbanization


  • Advances in bio-based leather technology
  • Increasing disposable income

Advances in bio-based leather technology

The Bio-Based Leather Market is experiencing a surge in opportunities propelled by significant advances in technology dedicated to the development and enhancement of bio-based leather. As consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability and eco-conscious choices, innovative technologies are playing a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of alternative materials. Companies within the market, such as Natural Fiber Welding and MycoWorks Inc., are leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create bio-based leather with properties comparable to or even exceeding those of traditional leather. One of the key areas of technological advancement in bio-based leather lies in the utilization of mycelium, the root structure of fungi, as a sustainable and highly versatile material. Companies like MycoWorks have perfected techniques for cultivating mycelium into a durable and flexible substance that closely resembles animal leather. This approach not only reduces the environmental impact of leather production but also offers a cruelty-free alternative that appeals to consumers concerned about animal welfare. In addition to mycelium-based innovations, advancements in processing techniques and the use of agricultural by-products are expanding the range of bio-based leather options. Natural Fiber Welding, for instance, has developed technology that transforms plant fibers into a material with leather-like characteristics. These breakthroughs contribute to a more diverse and customizable bio-based leather market, catering to various industries and consumer preferences.

The market for Bio-Based Leather is dominated by North America.

North America stands out as a dominant force in the Bio-Based Leather market, spearheading the adoption and development of sustainable alternatives in the leather industry. The region's prominence is attributed to several factors, including heightened consumer awareness of environmental issues, stringent regulatory frameworks emphasizing sustainable practices, and a robust ecosystem of innovative companies leading the charge in bio-based leather technology. Consumers in North America are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly choices, prompting a shift towards products that align with sustainable values. This change in consumer behavior has created a conducive environment for bio-based leather market growth, with companies like Modern Meadows and Bolt Threads Inc. gaining traction for their innovative solutions.

Moreover, The North American bio-based leather market is experiencing a positive trajectory, driven in part by the increasing stringency of governmental regulations pertaining to the utilization of plant-based leather. Both the United States and Canada have implemented policies aimed at mitigating the environmental footprint of the fashion industry, with specific initiatives encouraging the adoption of sustainable materials, including biodegradable leather. This regulatory landscape has spurred investment in research and development focused on advancing bio-based leather technologies, aligning with the broader commitment of these countries to foster a more sustainable and eco-friendly economy.

The Pineapple Segment is Anticipated to Hold the Largest Market Share During the Forecast Period

Based on Source the Bio-Based Leather market is segmented into Pineapple, Palm, Hemp, Cork, Leftover Fruits, Corn, Mushroom, Others. Pineapple-based leather is poised to emerge as the fastest-growing and dominating segment in the Bio-Based Leather Market, showcasing a remarkable surge in popularity and market share. This innovative material, often referred to as Piñatex, is derived from the fibers of pineapple leaves, offering a sustainable and cruelty-free alternative to traditional leather. The growth of this segment is propelled by the rising consumer demand for eco-friendly products and the fashion industry's increasing emphasis on sustainable practices. Piñatex has gained recognition for its versatility, durability, and unique texture, making it an attractive choice for various applications, including fashion, accessories, and upholstery.

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