SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf.: Annual financial statements for 2023

See enclosed SKEL fjárfestingafélag hf. market announcement, annual financial summary for 2023 and investor presentation.

An open presentation of the SKEL’s annual financial statement will be held on 9 February in the Studios room at Reykjavik Edition. The meeting will begin at 8:30, with refreshments served from 8:15. At the meeting, Ásgeir Helgi Reykfjörð Gylfason, CEO, and Magnús Ingi Einarsson, CFO, will present the results and highlights of the Company’s operations.

The presentation material from the meeting is accessible on SKEL's website,

For further information please contact Ásgeir Helgi Reykfjörð Gylfason, CEO, 




Financial Summary SKEL 2023 SKEL Announcement 2023 SKEL Investor presentation 2023