Media Advisory: Day of Mourning 2024 - CLC Executive Vice-President Larry Rousseau to attend Regina event

REGINA, Saskatchewan, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CLC Executive Vice-President Larry Rousseau will be speaking at the Regina & District Labour Council’s annual Day of Mourning ceremony on Sunday, April 28th.

This year’s Day of Mourning theme is “Safe work now!” and Canada’s unions are marking the day with a call to action for decision makers and employers to take immediate, concrete steps to keep people safe at work.

There were 993 workplace fatalities and 348,747 lost time claims accepted by workers' compensation boards across Canada in 2022. In Saskatchewan, there were 39 accepted workplace fatalities and 8,801 accepted lost time claims. The actual number of fatalities and time lost due to injuries is actually much higher, as not all incidents and fatalities are subject to claims.

What:Day of Mourning ceremony
Where:Queen Elizabeth Court II,
In front of Regina City Hall, 2476 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK
When:Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 pm
Who:Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President of the CLC

To arrange an interview on or before the Day of Mourning, please contact:

Chantal St-Denis
National Representative, CLC Communications

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