EPSO-G, a group of energy transmission and exchange companies (company code 302826889), with its registered office located at Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The parent shareholder company EPSO-G, based on the Company Law, 25 pt. 4 of the Republic of Lithuania and the recommendations of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of EPSO-G (RNC) (the RNC's recommendations are provided only for the members nominated by the parent shareholder EPSO-G and the civil servant of the board member) nominate members to the boards of Amber Grid, Baltpool and Litgrid.
Proposed canditates for Amber Grid's board
- Darius Kašauskas – Amber Grid's board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Paulius Butkus – Amber Grid board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Karolis Švaikauskas – Amber Grid board member valdybos narys valstybės tarnautojas;
- Peter Loof Helth – the civil servant of the Amber Grid board member;
- Alexander Paul Gudmund Feindt – Amber Grid independent board member.
Proposed candidates for Baltpool's board
- Simona Grinevičienė – Baltpool board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Valdemaras Bagdonas – Baltpool board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Mindaugas Navikas – Baltpool board member, representatvie of the KN Energies;
- Dainius Liulys – Baltpool independent board member;
- Vytautas Vorobjovas – Baltpool independent board member.
Proposed candidates for Litgrid's board
- Tomas Varneckas – Litgrid board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Mindaugas Keizeris – Litgrid board member, nominated by the parent company EPSO-G;
- Gediminas Karalius – the civil servant of the Litgrid board member;
- Tim Meyerjurgens – Litgrid independent board member;
- Pierri-Henri D'haene – Litgrid independent board member.
Shareholders will decide on the election of the members of the boards of Amber Grid, Baltpool and Litgrid at the Ordinary Shareholder Meetings to be held on 30 April.
The EPSO-G group of companies consists of the holding company EPSO-G and its five direct subsidiaries Amber Grid, Baltpool, Energy cells, Litgrid and Tetas. EPSO-G and its Group companies also hold shares in GET Baltic, Baltic RCC OÜ and TSO Holding AS. The rights and obligations of the sole shareholder of EPSO-G are exercised by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.
For more information, please contact:
Gediminas Petrauskas, Communication Partner at EPSO-G
Tel. +370 610 63306, email gediminas.petrauskas@epsog.lt