Ipsen S.A. - Formalities for making available and consulting preparatory documents to the 2024 Annual General Meeting


Information relating to the holding of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of 28 May 2024 of Ipsen S.A.

  • Formalities for making available and consulting preparatory documents to the Meeting

BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, FRANCE, 7 May 2024 - The Shareholders of the Company are invited to participate in the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of Ipsen (Euronext: IPN; ADR: IPSEY) to be held on Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 3:00 p.m. (Paris time) at the Salons de l'Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, 9 bis avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris.

The preliminary notice of the Meeting (“avis de réunion”) was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) of 17 April 2024 and the notice of Meeting (“avis de convocation”) was published in the BALO on 6 May 2024. These documents, as well as the Convening notice (including the agenda, the draft resolutions and the conditions regarding attendance and vote), are also available on Ipsen’s website at the following address: www.ipsen.com, under the Investors / Regulated Information / Shareholders Meeting section. Documents and information relating to this Meeting are made available to shareholders under the legal and regulatory conditions in force.

The Shareholders will be asked to approve in particular the following resolutions:

  • The payment of a dividend of €1.20 per share for the 2023 financial year, the ex-date being set on 30 May 2024 and the dividend payment on 3 June 2024;

  • The renewal of the terms of office of BEECH TREE S.A. and Mrs. Carol XUEREF as Directors for a term of 4 years as well as the ratification of the temporary appointment of Mr. Pascal TOUCHON as a Director, maintaining the independence Directors’ rate within the Board of Directors at a third in accordance with the Afep-Medef Code and each gender’s proportion at more than 40% in accordance with the law (Directors representing the employees being not taken into account in these rates).

In accordance with applicable regulatory provisions:

  • Registered shareholders may, up to the fifth day (inclusive) before the Meeting, request from the Company to send these documents, where appropriate at his/her express request by electronic means. For holders of bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the presentation of a shareholding certificate (attestation de participation) in the bearer securities accounts managed by the authorized intermediary.
  • Any shareholder may consult these documents at the Company’s headquarters.

About Ipsen

We are a global biopharmaceutical company with a focus on bringing transformative medicines to patients in three therapeutic areas: Oncology, Rare Disease and Neuroscience.

Our pipeline is fueled by external innovation and supported by nearly 100 years of development experience and global hubs in the U.S., France and the U.K. Our teams in more than 40 countries and our partnerships around the world enable us to bring medicines to patients in more than 80 countries.

Ipsen is listed in Paris (Euronext: IPN) and in the U.S. through a Sponsored Level I American Depositary Receipt program (ADR: IPSEY). For more information, visit ipsen.com.

Ipsen contacts


  • Craig Marks | + 44 (0) 7584 349 193
  • Nicolas Bogler | + 33 (6) 52 19 98 92


  • Amy Wolf | + 41 7957 607 23
  • Ioana Piscociu | + 33 (6) 69 09 12 96

Disclaimers and/or Forward-Looking Statements

The forward-looking statements, objectives and targets contained herein are based on Ipsen’s management strategy, current views and assumptions. Such statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those anticipated herein. All of the above risks could affect Ipsen’s future ability to achieve its financial targets, which were set assuming reasonable macroeconomic conditions based on the information available today. Use of the words ‘believes’, ‘anticipates’ and ‘expects’ and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, including Ipsen’s expectations regarding future events, including regulatory filings and determinations. Moreover, the targets described in this document were prepared without taking into account external-growth assumptions and potential future acquisitions, which may alter these parameters. These objectives are based on data and assumptions regarded as reasonable by Ipsen. These targets depend on conditions or facts likely to happen in the future, and not exclusively on historical data. Actual results may depart significantly from these targets given the occurrence of certain risks and uncertainties, notably the fact that a promising medicine in early development phase or clinical trial may end up never being launched on the market or reaching its commercial targets, notably for regulatory or competition reasons. Ipsen must face or might face competition from generic medicine that might translate into a loss of market share. Furthermore, the research and development process involves several stages each of which involves the substantial risk that Ipsen may fail to achieve its objectives and be forced to abandon its efforts with regards to a medicine in which it has invested significant sums. Therefore, Ipsen cannot be certain that favorable results obtained during preclinical trials will be confirmed subsequently during clinical trials, or that the results of clinical trials will be sufficient to demonstrate the safe and effective nature of the medicine concerned. There can be no guarantees a medicine will receive the necessary regulatory approvals or that the medicine will prove to be commercially successful. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Other risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to, general industry conditions and competition; general economic factors, including interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations; the impact of pharmaceutical industry regulation and healthcare legislation; global trends toward healthcare cost containment; technological advances, new medicine and patents attained by competitors; challenges inherent in new-medicine development, including obtaining regulatory approval; Ipsen’s ability to accurately predict future market conditions; manufacturing difficulties or delays; financial instability of international economies and sovereign risk; dependence on the effectiveness of Ipsen’s patents and other protections for innovative medicines; and the exposure to litigation, including patent litigation, and/or regulatory actions. Ipsen also depends on third parties to develop and market some of its medicines which could potentially generate substantial royalties; these partners could behave in such ways which could cause damage to Ipsen’s activities and financial results. Ipsen cannot be certain that its partners will fulfil their obligations. It might be unable to obtain any benefit from those agreements. A default by any of Ipsen’s partners could generate lower revenues than expected. Such situations could have a negative impact on Ipsen’s business, financial position or performance. Ipsen expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements, targets or estimates contained in this press release to reflect any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which any such statements are based, unless so required by applicable law. Ipsen’s business is subject to the risk factors outlined in its registration documents filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers. The risks and uncertainties set out are not exhaustive and the reader is advised to refer to Ipsen’s latest Universal Registration Document, available on ipsen.com.




Documents availability - 2024 Ipsen Combined Shareholder's Meeting