Belships ASA: Mandatory notification of trade

Oslo, 31 May 2024

The following primary insider has today been allocated share options in Belships ASA:

• Yngve Aslaksen Gram (CFO): 300 000 share options

After the allocation, Gram has a total of 300 000 share options. In addition, Gram and Kryptogram AS combined own 330 000 shares.

• 300 000 share options are distributed to other employees of Belships ASA.

The strike price of this allocation is set at NOK 21.1 per share, which is equal to 105% of the share price after the general meeting on 8 May 2023, less dividends paid out during the period of NOK 2.95 per share.
Belships has an option scheme for the company’s employees and the award is within the framework authorised at the general meeting on 8 May 2023.

Further details regarding the option grant to the CFO is included in the attached PDMR form.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation article 19



Notification of transaction by Primary Insider