Johnstown, PA, May 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Marine Corps Installations Command (MCICOM) has awarded Option Year 3 of the Facility Related Controls Systems (FRCS) Programmatic Support Contract to Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC). Our diverse and dedicated project team, which includes our small business partner, Risk Mitigation Consulting (RMC), will continue providing Policy, Architecture, Cyber, and Community of Practice expertise.
The Marine Corps FRCS program consists of 350+ networked systems, including energy, utilities, fire and life safety, electronic security, and several other platforms associated with the operation of an installation. CTC’s activities under this contract are designed to secure the infrastructure and optimize the usage of Installation FRCS data.
“It’s never been more critical to protect our nation’s military assets from cyber-attacks and other disruptions,” said Edward J. Sheehan, Jr., CTC President and CEO. “CTC is honored by the ongoing trust the Marine Corps has in us to help secure their control systems and educate their workforce to protect these assets, facilities, and infrastructure.”
As a result of CTC’s continued work, the Marine Corps will reduce energy consumption; extend the operating life of devices, systems, and plants; and enable the implementation and operation of energy-resilient technologies, allowing the warfighter to meet mission requirements while also implementing cybersecure measures.
“CTC understands the importance of the work we are performing and is eager to continue our role in supporting MCICOM Facilities Directorate (GF),” said Josh Ingraham, CTC Program Director. “Our team of subject matter experts are passionate about their work to help secure and operationalize the Marine Corps.”
Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) is an independent, nonprofit, applied scientific research and development professional services organization. CTC collaborates with its technology transition affiliate, Enterprise Ventures Corporation, to leverage research, development, test and evaluation work to provide transformative, full lifecycle solutions. To best serve our clients’ needs, we offer the complete ability to fully design, develop, test, prototype and build. We deliver robust, technical, and innovative solutions that safeguard our national security, retain U.S. technological advantage, and ensure the primacy of American manufacturing. For more information about CTC, visit