Notice on Convening an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of EPSO-G

In accordance with the initiative and decision of the Board of Energy Transmission and Exchange Group EPSO-G (legal entity code 302826889, registered address Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, Lithuania) the Extraordinary General Meeting of EPSO-G shareholders is convened.

Reasons and purposes for calling the meeting: the Board of EPSO-G has decided to start a new activity, setting up a new legal entity - a private limited company. The decision to set up a new legal entity requires the approval of the sole shareholder to enter into force in accordance with EPSO-G's articles of association.

Agenda of the EPSO-G Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:

  1. On the approval of the decision of the Board of EPSO-G to establish a new legal entity – a private limited liability company – for the purpose of carrying out new activities.

For more information, contact

Gediminas Petrauskas, communication partner of EPSO-G
Tel: +370 610 63306, email: