Ipsen - July 2024 - Monthly information relative to the total number of voting rights and shares composing the share capital

Monthly information relative to the total number of voting rights
and shares composing the share capital

(in accordance with Article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and
Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Market: Euronext Paris
ISIN Code: FR 0010259150
LEI: 549300M6SGDPB4Z94P11

Date Total number of shares composing the share capital Total number of voting rights (1)
31 July 2024 83,814,526 Gross total* of voting rights: 132,145, 440
Net total** of voting rights: 131,081,175

(1) Existence of a statutory clause imposing an obligation to declare threshold crossing complementary to the one relative to the legal thresholds (Article 10).

* Gross total = total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares, including the number of shares which benefit of double voting rights and the number of treasury shares. The « Gross total » is used as a basis for the calculation of threshold crossings.

** Net total = total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares – shares without voting rights.



Declaration relative to the total number of voting rights - July 2024