YT Jia Teams Up with Partners to Launch IP Commercialization Company "Grow Fandor"; Dedicates Earnings to FF and Debt Repayment, Gifts FF 10% of Shares

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- YT Jia, alongside more than ten partners from the "League of Fandor Heroes," has officially registered "Grow Fandor" in both the United States and China, marking the culmination of months of preparation and the beginning of business operations. This global IP commercialization venture has also initiated a worldwide recruitment drive for IP partners and supply chain collaborators.

In a significant move to support Faraday Future (FF), YT Jia, the founding partner, has resolved:

  1. To gift 10% of the company's total shares (nearly 60% of his personal 17% stake) to FF. Following this transfer, FF will possess a 10% stake in the company, surpassing any other partner and reducing YT Jia’s personal stake to 7%.
  2. To allocate 50% of all future earnings from Grow Fandor, including labor, IP-related income, and equity gains, to FF through investment or loans. The remaining 50% will be directed towards settling domestic debts in China.

Grow Fandor: Empowering Innovators, Building Success

"Grow Fandor is a company born from the spirit of relentless innovators and built for their success." Led by YT Jia, one of the world's most impactful innovators and serial entrepreneurs, along with a dynamic network of top-tier global celebrity IPs, Grow Fandor is committed to pioneering advanced content-based and live-stream e-commerce models in the United States. Our mission is to propel Chinese products and brands into international markets and create pathways for American businesses to introduce their premium products, leading brands, and renowned IPs to the Chinese market, enriching a broader global audience. Grow Fandor aspires to grow with these tenacious innovators, aiding their collective success.

Aiming to be the First U.S.-listed Global IP Commercialization Company with a Global Partnership Initiative 

Grow Fandor, co-founded by like-minded partners from China and the U.S., aspires to be the first global IP commercialization company listed on U.S. stock exchanges, accelerating the realization of its strategic objectives. The core team, known as the "League of Fandor Heroes," comprises over ten members with over 20 years of experience across various industries, including internet, marketing, sales, automotive, and video production. This global partnership model is designed to attract top-tier talent worldwide, offering a unique competitive advantage in governance and talent structure.

YT Jia will dedicate half of his personal earnings from Grow Fandor to debt repayment, with the other half used to support FF's automotive manufacturing efforts through investments or loans.

Building a Global Top-Tier IP Matrix and Business Support Bridge

Grow Fandor is committed to bridging the gap between China, the United States, and the world by fostering connections and communication among people, products, and brands. Our mission is to create a global platform that supports business and promotes co-creation and shared benefits.

Core Business and Value Proposition

Grow Fandor harnesses the power of a global business IP matrix featuring top entrepreneurs and celebrities, coupled with a robust platform and a high-quality supply chain. We are dedicated to advancing video and live-stream e-commerce, commercializing brand derivatives, enhancing knowledge empowerment, and expanding advertising and promotion efforts. Our services also include developing membership options and creating engaging short-form content. These initiatives are designed to improve the work and life opportunities for hardworking individuals and dream chasers alike.

By leveraging the combined strengths of China and the United States, Grow Fandor aims to introduce innovative Chinese business models to the U.S. market and foster localized innovation. We strive to create a unique value proposition that bridges the gap between these two global powers, establishing a platform that facilitates bi-directional benefits and shared growth.

Brand Philosophy

Our motto, “Strive together, thrive together; never give up, never give in,” reflects our commitment to embodying the spirit of the dream-chaser—resilient, excellent, and innovative—and inspiring a proactive, challenge-embracing, and ambitious mindset among all who aspire to make a difference.

Target Audience

Grow Fandor empowers driven individuals and visionary entrepreneurs with high-quality, affordable products that enhance lifestyles and support ambitions. Our platform is designed for everyone, from ambitious professionals to dedicated family supporters, helping them strive and thrive. Simultaneously, we support businesses by championing high-quality Chinese products and innovative models to broaden their international reach. We also introduce premium international products to the Chinese market, enhancing cross-cultural business growth and collaboration. Grow Fandor facilitates significant breakthroughs through these efforts, empowering individuals and businesses worldwide.

Official Launch and Global Partner Recruitment

Today marks the official launch of Grow Fandor's platforms, inviting everyone to connect and engage. With YT Jia at the forefront, negotiations are underway with top American celebrities to kickstart our inaugural live-stream e-commerce project.

Company Donates 10% of Shares to FF Representing a Significant Portion of YT Jia’s Holdings

As the founder of FF, YT Jia’s commitment to supporting FF's automotive venture was a primary motivation for establishing Grow Fandor. Before its inception, he had already planned to use future earnings from the company to repay debts continuously and support FF. To enhance this support, YT Jia has now gifted 10% of the company’s total equity to FF. This agreement is in place, with both parties actively working on the details and exploring further collaborative opportunities.

As Grow Fandor advances its live-streaming e-commerce and other business initiatives, we anticipate generating a stable cash flow for FF. Future collaborations in IP, branding, marketing, and sales will expand FF’s global market reach, grow its potential customer base, and enhance its brand influence and capital market value.

“Having been a relentless entrepreneur in the world’s two largest markets for nearly 30 years, I am driven to collaborate with like-minded partners through Grow Fandor to help more businesses and users strive and grow together," said YT Jia, founding partner. "Settling my debts and returning home are tasks I need to accomplish in this next phase of my life. My commitment remains firm: to persevere, never give up, and continue advancing. I hope that by donating my personal equity and earnings to FF, I can genuinely support its vision, thereby facilitating the prompt settlement of my debts and enabling my return to China."

