BOSTON, MA, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Object Management Group®️ (OMG®️) announced the cross-consortia Artificial Intelligence Joint Working Group, bringing together the collective intelligence of OMG’s consortia to advance AI integration with digital twins, augmented reality (AR) and related technologies.
"We’re leveraging the collective experience and intelligence of the OMG Standards Development Organization along with the members of the Digital Twin Consortium and the Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance,” said Bill Hoffman, CEO and Chairman of OMG. “We’ve assembled a world-class group of professionals spanning many industries working to understand and apply AI across their organizations."
The new working group will align AI-related activities across four main areas:
- Standardization and Semantics - This subgroup will explore the potential role of AI in standardization, gathering use cases from the digital twin and extended reality areas to identify scenarios in vertical industry domains and horizontal technologies where standardization would be beneficial. It will explore the role of AI and formal semantics in data integration, enabling implementation of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.
- Interoperability and Intelligent Automation - This sub-group will develop comprehensive frameworks for interoperability, intelligent automation, and generative AI with agent-based systems. These frameworks will provide guidance for creating intelligent, interoperable, trusted and autonomous systems. This will include defining and developing the required key assets and promoting industry use.
- eXtended Reality (XR) – (i.e., AR/VR/MR) - This subgroup will focus and emphasize the convergence of eXtended Reality (XR) technologies, encompassing augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) and the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies, while powerful individually, can create synergistic effects when combined, leading to innovative solutions and enhanced operational efficiencies.
- Responsible AI - This subgroup will develop a comprehensive framework for responsible AI governance by examining current standards and promoting ethical AI practices across different industries and levels of maturity. The subgroup will focus on creating a toolkit that supports both current AI implementations including privacy and data provenance with the anticipated shift towards digital twin-based, multi-agent, autonomous AI systems.
Learn more about the OMG cross-consortia Artificial Intelligence Joint Working Group. Join an OMG consortium (AREA, DTC, OMG SDO) and collaborate with industry leaders to advance key technologies such as AI.
About OMG
When tech organizations, governments, and academia must solve discrete pieces of a technology puzzle or discuss matters of common interest, they often seek to join or form a consortium. Since 1989, Object Management Group®️ (OMG®️) has created and nurtured a productive community with common technology interests and problems to resolve. OMG communities include Augmented Reality Enterprise Alliance (AREA), Consortium for Information and Software Quality™ (CISQ™), Digital Twin Consortium®️ (DTC), and OMG Standards Development Organization (SDO®). OMG is global, not-for-profit, and vendor-neutral. Visit OMG.
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