Minneapolis, Minnesota, Nov. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With book bans and censorship on the rise, Lerner Publishing Group is proud to present “Bands for the Banned,” a concert supporting the freedom to read diverse voices in schools and public libraries and to ensure free expression for all those silenced. Join Lerner and four Minneapolis bands for a night to rally support for librarians, authors, and artists on the front line of book challenges. The “Bands for the Banned” concert will take place on Thursday, December 5, at 7th Street Entry at First Avenue in Minneapolis. Doors open at 7:00 PM, with the show starting at 7:30 PM. Presale tickets are $15, and day-of tickets are $20. Ages 18+ are welcome.
Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to organizations that help communities fight book bans and challenges, including EveryLibrary’s Fight for the First campaign, We Are Stronger Than Censorship, and the American Librarian Association’s Unite Against Book Bans initiative. Additional donations to these organizations will be accepted during the event.
Headlining the event are four local Twin Cities bands—Dad Bod, WBS (Thomas Abban & L.A. Buckner), Chutes, and Yonder—all rallying for a shared cause. John Chrastka, Executive Director and founder of EveryLibrary, and Cindy Hohl, President of the American Library Association (ALA), will also make a special appearances, offering insights into the importance of defending the right to read.
Proceeds will benefit organizations on the front lines against censorship:
- EveryLibrary’s Fight for the First: Fight for the First is the first line of defense against attacks against the first amendment. Developed by EveryLibrary, a 501c(4) organization with national reach, Fight for the First empowers communities to act in defense of their constitutional right to free speech.
- We Are Stronger Than Censorship: This initiative, a collaboration between the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and EveryLibrary Institute, combats the chilling effects of book bans, especially those affecting titles featuring Black, Queer, and underrepresented voices. This program supports independent publishers whose titles, often mission-driven, are hit hardest by bans.
- Unite Against Book Bans (Unite): A national campaign by the American Library Association, Unite empowers readers, forms partnerships, and supports advocacy against censorship efforts, safeguarding the freedom to read in communities nationwide.
Meet the Bands Supporting the Cause:
- Dad Bod: Formed in 2019 by Callie Marino, joined by Wilson Zellar and Noah Topliff, this band blends dreamy, intimate lyrics with vibrant guitar riffs for an unforgettable sound.
- WBS (White Boy Summer): Led by Thomas Abban and Arthur “L.A.” Buckner, this genre-bending duo explores the African diaspora through bold, genre-defying performances.
- Chutes: Ryan Kemp’s project brings warm, fuzzy vocals and familiar guitar riffs that feel like an intimate conversation with friends.
- Yonder: With Hattie Peach and Emma Jeanne at the helm, Yonder combines folk storytelling with punk-rock energy, producing a fresh Alt-Americana sound.
This concert unites music and advocacy in a powerful statement: diverse voices and stories must be protected. For more details, tickets, or to get involved, visit First Avenue’s Bands for the Banned page.
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