Dublin, Dec. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Nigeria Beer and Cider Market Insights 2024" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The report provides detailed data and textual analysis of the beer and cider sector and the report contains introduction, category and segment insights, company and brand insights, distribution insights, packaging insights, consumer insights, recommendations and appendix sections.
Key insights and drivers behind the Beer and Cider market performance:
- Nigeria's GDP recorded 2.7% annual growth in 2023, slowing down from the 3.1% recorded in 2022.In addition, the Nigerian naira depreciated by almost 96% in 2023, exacerbating the economic downfall.
- Consumer price inflation reached 24.7% in 2023, and headline inflation reached 28.9% in December 2023. The price of fuel, wheat, and other staple Nigerian cereals increased significantly, worsening food security concerns and affecting spending on non-essentials.
Reasons to Buy
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the dynamics and structure of the Nigerian beer and cider industry, from the latest competitive intelligence of both historical and forecast data to enhance your corporate strategic planning.
- Understand volume vs. value data and identify the key growth opportunities across the super-premium, premium, mainstream and discount segments to best target profitability.
- Interrogate the unique granularity of our data to analyze the market on a variety of levels to make well-informed decisions on future threats and growth prospects in the marketplace for your company.
Company Coverage:
- Nigerian Breweries
- International Breweries (Nigeria)
- Consolidated Breweries
- Guinness Nigeria
- Bature Brewery
Key Topics Covered:
- Executive Summary
- Industry Snapshot
- Enablers and Inhibitors of Beer & Cider Growth
- Category and Segment Insight
- Beer & Cider Winners and Losers
- Flavor Dynamics
- Price Segment Dynamics
- Special Focus Segment Insights
- Company and Brand Insight
- Top Beer & Cider Company Dynamics
- Leading Company Profiles
- Top Beer & Cider Brand Dynamics
- Brand Spotlight Case Studies
- Job Analytics - Themes Evolution and Total Jobs
- Global Patent Filings
- Distribution Insight
- Channel Dynamics
- Beer & Cider Channel Share Dynamics
- Sub-Channel Evolution
- Category Price Point Analysis
- Packaging Insight
- Packaging Snapshot
- Packaging Material Snapshot
- Packaging Type Snapshot
- Consumer Insight
- Key Consumer Trends
- Trend Analysis
- Actionable Insights
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/fu7y55
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