From Omaha to Guam: Announcing the First Recipients of Blue Star Families Outpost Grants Expanding Nationwide Network of Support

Washington, D.C., Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blue Star Families (BSF) announces the first recipients of the Blue Star Families Outpost grants, an initiative aimed at expanding support and connection for military families across the nation. With generous support from craig newmark philanthropies, these grants empower local organizations to enhance their services and strengthen community ties for military families.

What is a Blue Star Families Outpost?

Blue Star Families Outposts are hubs hosted by local nonprofit organizations offering Blue Star Families’ programming, including Blue Star Outdoors and Nourish the Service, along with participation in national initiatives like Blue Star Welcome Week and the annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey.

“These exceptional organizations will allow Blue Star Families to expand our reach and achieve our mission of supporting military families in the communities where they live with trusted programming and measurable impact,” said Kathy Roth-Douquet, CEO of Blue Star Families. “These Outpost grants will enable these proven organizations to enhance their work through funding and technical support to strengthen their offerings for military families and improve their communities as a whole.”

The selected organizations are:

  • Albany Area Chamber Foundation, Georgia District 02
  • Armed Services YMCA El Paso, Texas District 16 
  • Armed Services YMCA Fort Liberty, North Carolina District 01 
  • Combined Arms, Texas District 08
  • Hampton Roads Veterans Employment Centers powered by the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, Virginia District 02 
  • Indy Warrior Partnership, Indiana District 03
  • Military Support Alliance of New Jersey, New Jersey District 03 
  • Omaha Performing Arts, Nebraska District 02 
  • Pay-Less Markets Community Foundation, Guam 
  • Rolla Chamber Foundation, Missouri 
  • The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities, Washington District 10 
  • United Through Reading, California District 51 

Inspired by the support from craig newmark philanthropies, Peter Bloom, a member of the Blue Star Families Advisory Board, is also funding an additional Outpost, located in Fayetteville, North Carolina, at The Rick Herrema Foundation.

Background and Rationale for the Outpost Model

Building on its proven Chapter-model, the addition of Outposts allows BSF to bring events and programs to even more military families through existing organizations. Leveraging work with the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and craigslist founder Craig Newmark has led to meaningful legislative reform through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and now drives this targeted grant program in HASC members' own districts underscoring the importance of local community support for our military families. 

“I have such special memories of my parents reading Goodnight Moon to me growing up. Every kid should have this bonding experience with their parents, even if they’re deployed. That’s why I’m so grateful for United Through Reading’s work to help military parents read bedtime stories to their children through storytime video recordings and for Blue Star Families’ grant to support their efforts,” said Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-51). “We should all keep striving to find innovative ways like this to support our military families and ease our service members’ transition when they return home.”

“Our military men and women sacrifice so much in order to serve our country … it’s only right that we do everything in our power to support them when they return home,” said Rep. Jen Kiggans (VA-02). “I’m very glad to see the Hampton Roads Veterans Employment Center receive this funding to help provide Veterans with the resources they need to successfully return to civilian life. Thank you, Blue Star Families, for your continued dedication to our nation’s service members!”

Applications Open for Future Blue Star Families Outposts

Eleven additional Outpost locations remain open for applications from 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) organizations. Grantees have the opportunity to be awarded the $15k grant with the option to renew their grant. Open locations and criteria are listed on the application page. 

Visit Blue Star Families Outposts to learn more about the program and complete an application. 

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About Blue Star Families
​​Blue Star Families (BSF) is the nation’s largest military and Veteran family support organization. Its research-driven approach builds strong communities with a focus on human-centered design and innovative solutions. Since its founding in 2009, BSF has delivered more than $336 million in benefits and impacts more than 1.5 million people annually. For more information, click here.


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