Dow Jones Indexes Logo
Dow Jones to Change the Composition of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
September 18, 2008 09:29 ET | Dow Jones Indexes
NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kraft Foods Inc. (KFT) will replace American International Group Inc. (AIG) in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, effective with the opening of trading on...
September 18, 2008 09:26 ET | Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
EXCHANGE NOTICE 375/2008, 18 SEPTEMBER 2008 BANK CERTIFICATES BANK CERTIFICATES LISTING ON 22 SEPTEMBER 2008 The following Bank Certificate will be listed on the official list as of 22...
Fixed income: Listin
Fixed income: Listing of bond loan issued by Danske Bank A/S on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB’s Retail Bond List (132/08)
September 18, 2008 09:23 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
The loan DDBO 145 with tranches A-B issued by Danske Bank A/S will be officially listed on OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB’s Retail Bond List with effect from September 19th, 2008. Please see...
Anmeldelsespligt i henhold til § 29 i Lov om værdipapirhandel m.v.
September 18, 2008 09:23 ET | Formuepleje Optimum A/S
Under henvisning til § 29 i Lov om værdipapirhandel m.v. skal det herved oplyses, at Formuepleje Merkur A/S har meddelt, at selskabet besidder 492.656 styk aktier á nominelt kr. 100, svarende til...
Räntor: Inregistreri
Räntor: Inregistrering av obligation utgiven av Danske Bank A/S på OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB:s Retail Bond List (132/08)
September 18, 2008 09:21 ET | Nasdaq Stockholm AB
Lån DDBO 145 med trancher A-B utgivet av Danske Bank A/S inregistreras på OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm AB:s Retail Bond List fr.o.m. den 19 september 2008. Se bifogad bilaga för mer information. ...
Additional auctions in T-bills
September 18, 2008 09:15 ET | Riksgälden
After consultation with the Riksbank, the Swedish National Debt Office has decided to take a number of certain measures in order to counteract the shortage in the T-bill market that has occurred as...
Extra emissioner av statsskuldväxlar
September 18, 2008 09:15 ET | Riksgälden
Riksgälden har efter samråd med Riksbanken beslutat vidta vissa åtgärder för att motverka den brist på statsskuldväxlar som uppstått till följd av oron på finansmarknaderna.   Riksgälden kommer...
Zecotek Photonics Inc. Logo
Zecotek Achieves Breakthrough Performance With 3D2D Display System
September 18, 2008 09:15 ET | Zecotek Photonics Inc.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Zecotek Photonics Inc. (TSX-V:ZMS) (Frankfurt:W1I) today announced the latest performance parameters of its 3D2D Display System and that...
RotateBlack Targets Profitable Gaming Industry Segments
September 18, 2008 09:15 ET |
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RotateBlack (Pink Sheets:ROBK) targets profitable gaming industry segments, according to a report from Company management and directors...
i2 Telecom's MyGlobalTalk is Blackberry and Windows Mobile Compatible, and Aims At Consumer and Business Markets
September 18, 2008 09:15 ET |
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- i2 Telecom's (OTCBB:ITUI) MyGlobalTalk(tm) is Blackberry and Windows Mobile Compatible, and aims at consumer and business markets. Unique ITUI...