er pr. 28. marts 2007 beregnet til kr. 106,87
March 28, 2007 03:38 ET | KapitalPleje A/S
Kapitalpleje A/S, indre værdi er pr. 28. marts 2007 beregnet til kr. 106,87 ...
Resultat af ordinær generalforsamling - Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S
March 28, 2007 03:38 ET | Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S
Københavns Fondsbørs Nikolaj Plads 6 Postboks 1040 1007 København K Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 8/2008 Aalborg, den 28. marts 2007 Resultat af ordinær generalforsamling - Spar Nord...
March 28, 2007 03:36 ET | Bavarian Nordic A/S
Vedtægter ...
Par kārtējās akcionā
Par kārtējās akcionāru sapulces sasaukšanu
March 28, 2007 03:28 ET | VEF Radiotehnika RRR
Ar šo paziņojam, ka Akciju sabiedrības “VEF Radiotehnika RRR”Valde 2007.gada 30.aprīlī pulkstens 16.00,Rīgā,Kurzemes prospektā 3,sasauc kārtējo akcionāru pilnsapulci. Dienas kārtībā: 1.AS”VEF...
Bavarian Nordic, lis
Bavarian Nordic, listing of new shares 29 March 2007
March 28, 2007 03:25 ET | Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange has decided to admit the following ISIN code to listing with effect from 29 March 2007. ISIN Name in Official List DK0060074300 Bavarian Nordic, nye For...
Actavis Group - Related party trading
March 28, 2007 03:24 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Name of related party trading the shares Fjárfestingafélag Lundúna ehf. Name of primary insider Mark Keatley Relations with the issuer CFO and EVP of IT Date of transaction 28.3.2007 Buy or Sell Kaup...
On changes in the Council of the JSC “Baltic Trust Bank”
March 28, 2007 03:23 ET | GE Money Bank
The regular shareholders meeting of the JSC “Baltic Trust Bank” elected a new Council of the Bank composed of seven members. Niels Christian Aall, Carl Magnus Berggren, Brian Patrick Hughes,...
Kallelse till årsstämma i CellaVision
March 28, 2007 03:22 ET | CellaVision AB
Rätt att deltaga För att få deltaga på årsstämman måste aktieägare   dels vara registrerad i eget namn i den utskrift av aktieboken som görs av VPC AB per onsdagen den 18 april 2007 och dels...
Actavis Group - Agenda and Proposal for Annual Meeting 4 April 2007
March 28, 2007 03:21 ET | Actavis Group hf.
The Annual General Meeting of Actavis Group hf. will be held at Nordica Hotel, Suðurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavik, on 4 April 2007 at 12:00 a.m. (noon). Agenda: 1. Presentation of the Board's annual...
Actavis Group - Related party trading
March 28, 2007 03:21 ET | Actavis Group hf.
Name of related party trading the shares Sælusvæði ehf. Name of primary insider Sigurður Óli Ólafsson Relations with the issuer Debuty to the CEO Date of transaction 28.3.2007 Buy or Sell Kaup /...