Harju Elekter võitis Eesti Energia hanke
August 14, 2023 01:00 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
ASi Harju Elekter Group tütarettevõte AS Harju Elekter võitis Eesti Energia ASi hanke komplektalajaamade, jaotuspunktide ning seadmete tarnimiseks. Raamlepingud sõlmitakse pärast vaidlustusperioodi...
Harju Elekter won Eesti Energia tender
August 14, 2023 01:00 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter, a subsidiary of AS Harju Elekter Group, won the tender of Eesti Energia AS for the supply of prefabricated substations, distribution points, and equipment. Contracts are concluded...
AS-i Harju Elekter Group majandustulemused, 1-6/2023
July 26, 2023 00:30 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
Harju Elekter Group jätkas uue strateegiakava elluviimist soovitud tasemel ning näitas 2023. aasta teises kvartalis tugevat kasvutrendi, saavutades rekordilise käibe ja ärikasumi. Tugevat tulemust...
Harju Elekter Group financial results, 1-6/2023
July 26, 2023 00:30 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
Harju Elekter Group continued to implement the new strategic plan at the desired level and showed a strong growth trend in the second quarter of 2023. Last quarter, we achieved a record turnover and...
Aktsiakapitali suurendamine seoses töötajate optsiooniprogrammi realiseerimisega ning märkimistulemused
July 25, 2023 06:38 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
ASi Harju Elekter Group nõukogu otsustas suurendada ettevõtte aktsiakapitali 131 835,06 euro võrra uute lihtaktsiate väljalaskmise teel. Aktsiakapitali suurendamine on tingitud vajadusest emiteerida...
Increase of Share Capital in Connection with Realization of the Employee Option Programme and Subscription Results
July 25, 2023 06:38 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
The Supervisory Board of AS Harju Elekter Group decided to increase the share capital of the company by 131,835.06 euros by issuing new ordinary shares. The increase of the share capital was triggered...
Muudatus Harju Elekter Oy juhatuses
June 15, 2023 03:05 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group on otsustanud poolte kokkuleppel lõpetada 30.06.2023 lepingu Harju Elekter Oy tegevjuhi Jan Osaga. Jan Osa asus Harju Elektrisse insenerina tööle 1994. aastal. Oma karjääri...
Change in the Management Board of Harju Elekter Oy
June 15, 2023 03:05 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group has decided, by agreement between the parties, to terminate the contract with Harju Elekter Oy’s Managing Director Jan Osa on 30 June 2023. Jan Osa joined Harju Elekter as an...
Harju Elekter Grupp pikendas Prysmian Group Baltics AS-iga üürilepingut
June 05, 2023 06:58 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group ja Prysmian Group Baltics AS sõlmisid 5.06.2023 üürilepingu 2030. aastani. Uuendatud üürilepinguga üürib Harju Elekter Groupi kinnisvaraüksus Prysmian Group Balticsile rohkem...
Harju Elekter Group signed a lease agreement with Prysmian Group Baltics AS
June 05, 2023 06:58 ET
AS Harju Elekter Group.
AS Harju Elekter Group and Prysmian Group Baltics AS signed a lease agreement on 5 June 2023 until 2030. With the extended lease agreement, the real estate department of Harju Elekter Group leases to...