Obligacionāru kopsapulces tikšanās laika izmaiņas
March 08, 2009 23:17 ET
Apex Investments
Apex Investmenta Obligacionāriem:
Darām Jums zināmu, ka nākošā Obligacionāru kopsapulce ir pārcelta par vienu
stundu agrāk uz plkst. 9:00, 2009. gada 13.martā, Kronvalda bulvārī 3.
Kā arī,...
Apex Bondholder Meeting Time Change
March 08, 2009 23:17 ET
Apex Investments
To Bondholders of Apex Investments:
Please note that the next Bondholder meeting has been rescheduled an hour
earlier to 9:00 on 13 March 2009, at Kronvalda Boulevard 3.
Also, please see the...
Bondholder Meeting Summary
March 06, 2009 02:29 ET
Apex Investments
Please see attached summary of the bondholders meeting of SIA Apex Investments
held on 5 March 2009.
Obligacionāru sapulces kopsavilkums
March 06, 2009 02:29 ET
Apex Investments
Lūdzam skatīt pielikumā SIA "Apex Investments" obligacionāru 2009. gada 5.
marta sapulces kopsavilkumu.
2008. gada konsolidētie finanšu pārskati - nerevidēti
February 27, 2009 08:39 ET
Apex Investments
Lūdzu skatīt pielikumu.
2008 Consolidated Financial Statements - Unaudited
February 27, 2009 08:39 ET
Apex Investments
Please see attached.
Notice to the bondholders of SIA "APEX INVESTMENTS"
February 04, 2009 01:40 ET
Apex Investments
Please see attached.
Paziņojums SIA "APEX INVESTMENTS" obligacionāriem
February 04, 2009 01:40 ET
Apex Investments
Lūdzu skatīt pielikumu.
Paziņojums par Finanšu Pārskatu iesniegšanas termiņiem
December 19, 2008 08:38 ET
Apex Investments
No 2008. gada 19. decembra SIA „APEX INVESTMENTS” plāno publicēt sekojošu
finanšu informāciju:
1. Nerevidētos 12 mēnešu finanšu pārskatus nedēļā no 2009. gada 23. februāra
- 27.feburārim;
Financial Statement Publication Notice
December 19, 2008 08:38 ET
Apex Investments
As of 19 December 2008, SIA Apex Investments is planning on publishing the
following financial information:
1. Unaudited 12 month financial statements during the week of 23 - 27
February 2009...