Europeiska kommissionen sjösätter kampanj om EU-stöd för grundläggande rättigheter
October 18, 2024 05:53 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Europeiska kommissionen stärker stödet för grundläggande rättigheter i Sverige genom CERV-programmet Europeiska kommissionens generaldirektorat för rättsliga frågor och konsumentfrågor lanserar...
Euroopan komissio käynnistää kampanjan EU-rahastosta, jolla pyritään edistämään perusoikeuksia
October 18, 2024 05:53 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Euroopan komissio vahvistaa perusoikeuksien tukemista Suomessa CERV-ohjelman kautta Euroopan komission oikeus- ja kuluttaja-asioiden pääosasto käynnistää tänään Suomessa tiedotuskampanjan...
Dinkins pomilio blumm forum
Stephanie Dinkins Awarded the Ethic Award, Oscar Pomilio Blumm Forum: Art and AI Together to Help Inclusion
July 29, 2024 08:03 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Franco Pomilio Blumm: "With Art and Ethics, We Research New Perspectives on AI for the Communication of Big Institutions" A continuous dialogue with technology to create new narratives and promote...
franco pomilio blumm
Pomilio Blumm: Italian Agency Claims Top Spot in FT's Growth Rankings
March 05, 2024 03:00 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Financial Times and Statista have acknowledged Pomilio Blumm as one of the fastest-growing companies in Europe. The latest edition of the "FT 1000 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies" has crowned...
25 franco pomilio
Revolutionising Academic Credentials: The "Curriculum on Chain" Project by Pomilio Blumm
December 18, 2023 05:34 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Pomilio Blumm has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative that promises to reshape the landscape of academic validation and record-keeping. The "Curriculum on Chain" project introduces a cutting-edge...
Global Gateway Investment Forum: a gathering to explore new business horizons between the EU and Mozambique
November 20, 2023 12:00 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Mozambique - EU Global Gateway Investment Forum in Mozambique’s capital Maputo, under the theme "Creating business opportunities", on the 22-23 November, will bring together public and private sector...
Winners of the 31st edition Lorenzo Natali Media Prize
Winners of the 31st edition Lorenzo Natali Media Prize
October 12, 2023 03:53 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
The winners of this year's edition of the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize, awarded by the European Commission, were announced at a ceremony hosted at the Solvay Library in Brussels. The winners are:...
Luiss University enters the Web3 and launches the "Curriculum On Chain"
October 06, 2023 12:29 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
An innovative certification that guarantees the security and traceability of university degrees and achievements. Luiss is at the forefront among Italian and European universities in technological...
El XXXI Premio de Periodismo Lorenzo Natalia celebra el periodismo
September 29, 2023 05:00 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
29 de septiembre de 2023 - La 31ª edición del Premio Lorenzo Natali de Periodismo, organizado por la Dirección General de Asociaciones Internacionales (DG INTPA), tendrá lugar el 11 de octubre a las...
Premio giornalistico Lorenzo Natali, cresce l'attesa per la cerimonia finale
September 29, 2023 05:00 ET | BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
29 settembre 2023 - La 31ª edizione del Premio giornalistico Lorenzo Natali, organizzata dalla Direzione generale per le partnership internazionali (DG INTPA), si svolgerà l'11 ottobre, alle ore 15:00...