Gant Company AB Year End report 2007
February 29, 2008 09:00 ET
Gant Company AB
- Operating profit increased by 17 percent to MSEK 284.0 (242.3).
- Net profit for the year increased by 21 percent to MSEK 197.3
- Earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 12.00...
Bokslutskommuniké Gant Company AB
February 29, 2008 09:00 ET
Gant Company AB
- Rörelseresultatet ökade med 17 procent till MSEK 284,0 (242,3).
- Nettoresultatet för perioden ökade med 21 procent till MSEK 197,3
- Resultat per aktie före utspädning uppgick till SEK...
Kommuniké från Gants extra bolagsstämma
February 29, 2008 04:00 ET
Gant Company AB
Vid den extra bolagsstämman i Gant Company AB idag fastställdes
följande beslut.
Antal styrelseledamöter
Stämman beslutade att styrelsen ska utökas och bestå av sju ordinarie
ledamöter utan...
Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting in Gant
February 29, 2008 04:00 ET
Gant Company AB
At today's Extraordinary General Meeting in Gant Company AB, the
following decisions were made.
Number of Board members
The meeting resolved that the Board should be expanded and consist of
Delisting of Gant
February 25, 2008 10:00 ET
Gant Company AB
Gant Company AB will be delisted from OMX Nordic Exchange in
Stockholm on March 21, 2008. The last day of trade in the Gant share
will be March 20, 2008....
Avnotering av Gant
February 25, 2008 10:00 ET
Gant Company AB
Gant Company AB kommer att avnoteras från OMX Nordiska Börsen i
Stockholm den 21 mars 2008. Sista handelsdagen med Gant-aktien blir
den 20 mars 2008....
February 14, 2008 02:00 ET
Gant Company AB
På begäran av Maus Frères S.A., som genom sitt helägda dotterbolag
Procastor S.A. äger mer än 96% av aktierna och rösterna i bolaget,
kallar styrelsen i Gant Company AB härmed till extra...
February 14, 2008 02:00 ET
Gant Company AB
At the request of Maus Frères S.A., which through its wholly-owned
subsidiary Procastor S.A owns more than 96% of the shares and votes
in the company, the Board of Directors of Gant Company AB...
Maus Frères in agreement with Lennart Björk and Gant's master
franchisees - holds 95.6 percent of the shares
January 31, 2008 01:54 ET
Gant Company AB
Maus Frères S.A. ("Maus Frères") has through its subsidiary Procastor
S.A. ("Procastor") increased its ownership in Gant Company AB (publ)
("Gant"), effectively completing the acquisition of Gant....
Maus Frères i överenskommelse med Lennart Björk och Gants
masterfranchisetagare - äger nu 95,6 procent av aktierna
January 31, 2008 01:54 ET
Gant Company AB
Maus Frères S.A. ("Maus Frères") har genom sitt dotterbolag Procastor
S.A. ("Procastor") ökat sitt ägande i Gant Company AB (publ)
("Gant"), vilket slutför förvärvet av Gant. Maus Frères har...