Ignitis Group makes
Ignitis Group makes final investment decision for 174 MW Tume solar farm in Latvia
September 03, 2024 09:00 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) informs that after the approval of the Group’s Management Board, on 3 September the Group’s subsidiary UAB “Ignitis renewables” (hereinafter – Ignitis...
Ignitis Group makes
Ignitis Group makes final investment decision for 174 MW Tume solar farm in Latvia
September 03, 2024 09:00 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) informs that after the approval of the Group’s Management Board, on 3 September the Group’s subsidiary UAB “Ignitis renewables” (hereinafter – Ignitis...
Notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB “Ignitis grupė”
August 14, 2024 02:30 ET | Ignitis grupe
By its decision of 14 August 2024, the Management Board of AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group), company code: 301844044, registered office address: Laisvės Ave. 10, Vilnius, hereby convenes...
Pranešimas apie šaukiamą neeilinį visuotinį AB „Ignitis grupė“ akcininkų susirinkimą
August 14, 2024 02:30 ET | AB Ignitis grupė
AB „Ignitis grupė“ (toliau – Grupė), juridinio asmens kodas: 301844044, registruotos buveinės adresas: Laisvės pr. 10, Vilnius, valdyba 2024 m. rugpjūčio 14 d. šaukia neeilinį visuotinį Grupės...
Notice convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB “Ignitis grupė”
August 14, 2024 02:30 ET | Ignitis grupe
By its decision of 14 August 2024, the Management Board of AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group), company code: 301844044, registered office address: Laisvės Ave. 10, Vilnius, hereby convenes...
2024 m. 6 mėn. tarpi
2024 m. 6 mėn. tarpinis pranešimas: tęsiame strategijos įgyvendinimą – trys Žaliųjų pajėgumų projektai pasiekė komercinės veiklos pradžią, padidinome 2024 m. prognozę 
August 14, 2024 02:00 ET | AB Ignitis grupė
AB „Ignitis grupė“ (toliau – Grupė) publikuoja 2024 m. 6 mėn. tarpinį pranešimą, kuris pridėtas prie šio pranešimo, bei skelbia, kad Grupės Koreguotas EBITDA siekė 289,7 mln. Eur (+14,3 proc.,...
First six months 202
First six months 2024 interim report: strategy delivery with three Green Capacities projects reaching COD and 2024 guidance upgrade
August 14, 2024 02:00 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) publishes its first six months 2024 interim report, which is attached to this notice, and announces that the Group’s Adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 289.7...
First six months 202
First six months 2024 interim report: strategy delivery with three Green Capacities projects reaching COD and 2024 guidance upgrade
August 14, 2024 02:00 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) publishes its first six months 2024 interim report, which is attached to this notice, and announces that the Group’s Adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 289.7...
Ignitis Group has re
Ignitis Group has retained ‘BBB+’ credit rating
August 12, 2024 10:35 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) informs that an international credit ratings agency, S&P Global Ratings, after performing annual review of the Group’s credit rating, reaffirmed ‘BBB+’...
Ignitis Group has re
Ignitis Group has retained ‘BBB+’ credit rating
August 12, 2024 10:35 ET | Ignitis grupe
AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Group) informs that an international credit ratings agency, S&P Global Ratings, after performing annual review of the Group’s credit rating, reaffirmed ‘BBB+’...