Muudatus Nordic Fibr
Muudatus Nordic Fibreboard AS-i juhatuses
October 02, 2023 08:14 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS nõukogu otsustas rahuldada juhatuse liikme Torfinn Losvik tagasiastumise soovi. Torfinn Losvik jätkab Nordic Fibreboard AS-i juhatuse liikme positsioonil kuni 31.12.2023. Enel...
Changes in the manag
Changes in the management board of Nordic Fibreboard AS
October 02, 2023 08:14 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
The Supervisory Board of Nordic Fibreboard AS decided to accept the resignation of the board member Torfinn Losvik. Torfinn Losvik will continue as a management board member of Nordic Fibreboard AS...
September 19, 2023 00:00 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS (registrikood 11421437, asukoht Rääma 31,  Pärnu 80044, edaspidi Selts) aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek toimub 10.10.2023.a. kell 10:00 Nordic Fibreboard AS kontoris,...
Notice of Convening
Notice of Convening Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholder of Nordic Fibreboard AS
September 19, 2023 00:00 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
The Extraordinary General Meeting of Nordic Fibreboard AS (registry code: 11421437, address: Rääma 31, Pärnu 80044, hereinafter the Company) will be held on the 10th of October 2023 at 10:00 am at the...
Olulise osaluse muud
Olulise osaluse muudatus
September 13, 2023 14:15 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Lähtuvalt väärtpaberituruseaduse §-st 186 teavitab Nordic Fibreboard AS börsi olulise osaluse muutusest. 13.09.2023 toimunud  jagunemise tulemusena suurenes NFB Pärnu Holdings OÜ osalus Nordic...
Change in substantia
Change in substantial shareholding
September 13, 2023 14:15 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Pursuant to § 186 of the Securities Market Act, Nordic Fibreboard AS notifies the stock exchange of a significant holding. As a result of the division on 13.09.2023, the participation of NFB Pärnu...
Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS enamusaktsionär Pärnu Holdings OÜ andis teada, et sõlmis Pärnu Holdings OÜ jagunemislepingu ja osa ostu-müügi lepingu
August 04, 2023 08:22 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS-i enamusaktsionär Pärnu Holdings OÜ, kellele kuulub 57,6292% suurune osalus Nordic Fibreboard AS-i aktsiakapitalis, teavitab, et sõlmis NFB Pärnu Holdings OÜ-ga jagunemislepingu,...
Pärnu Holdings OÜ, a
Pärnu Holdings OÜ, a majority shareholder of Nordic Fibreboard AS, announces that it has signed a demerger agreement and a share sale-purchase agreement
August 04, 2023 08:22 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
The majority shareholder of Nordic Fibreboard AS, Pärnu Holdings OÜ, which owns a 57.6292% stake in the share capital of Nordic Fibreboard AS, informs that it has signed a demerger agreement according...
Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS 2023. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
August 03, 2023 05:41 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
JUHTKONNA ARUANNE   Nordic Fibreboard AS konsolideeritud müügitulu oli 2023. aasta 2. kvartalis 2,01 miljonit eurot (2022. aasta 2. kvartalis 3,65 miljonit eurot). Kontserni peamine tegevusala...
Nordic Fibreboard AS
Nordic Fibreboard AS unaudited results for second quarter and 6 months of 2023
August 03, 2023 05:41 ET | Nordic Fibreboard AS
Management report   Consolidated net sales for Q2 2023 were € 2.01 million (Q2 2022: € 3.65 million). The main business area is Nordic Fibreboard Ltd, the production and wholesale of...