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CORRECTION: JSC „NORVIK BANKA” will repay its notes issue (debt securities) on April 20, 2009
April 17, 2009 07:55 ET | Norvik Banka
JSC “NORVIK BANKA” will repay the Bank's issued notes under ISIN LV0000800654. JSC "Norvik Banka" announces to repay its notes issue volume of 33.700 (thirty three thousands and seven hundred)...
CORRECTION: AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20. aprīlī dzēsīs pārada vērstpapīrus (obligācijas)
April 17, 2009 07:55 ET | Norvik Banka
AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20.aprīlī dzēsīs Bankas emitētās obligācijas ISIN LV0000800654. AS "NORVIK BANKA" saskaņā ar Bankas Obligāciju emisijas prospekta 5.2.8. punktu 2009.gada 20.aprīlī...
CORRECTION: JSC „NORVIK BANKA” will repay its notes issue (debt securities) on April 20, 2009 (Final Settlement Date Specification)
April 14, 2009 09:32 ET | Norvik Banka
JSC “NORVIK BANKA” will repay the Bank's issued notes under ISIN LV0000800654. JSC "Norvik Banka" announces to repay its notes issue volume of 33.700 (thirty three thousands and seven hundred)...
CORRECTION: AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20. aprīlī dzēsīs pārada vērstpapīrus (obligācijas);Norēķinu datuma precizēšana
April 14, 2009 09:32 ET | Norvik Banka
AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20.aprīlī dzēsīs Bankas emitētās obligācijas ISIN LV0000800654. AS "NORVIK BANKA" saskaņā ar Bankas Obligāciju emisijas prospekta 5.2.8. punktu 2009.gada 20.aprīlī...
AS “NORVIK BANKA” 2009. gada 31. marta neauditētie finanšu rādītāji
April 09, 2009 09:08 ET | Norvik Banka
AS “NORVIK BANKA” 2009. gada 31.marta neauditētie finanšu rādītāji: Aktīvi LVL 487 569 945 (EUR 693 749 530) Kredīti LVL 285 824 049 (EUR 406 690 982) •, kredīti mājsaimniecībām mājokļa...
JSC NORVIK BANKA non-audited financial results as of March 31, 2009
April 09, 2009 09:08 ET | Norvik Banka
JSC NORVIK BANKA non-audited financial results as of March 31, 2009 Assets LVL 487 569 945 (EUR 693 749 530) Loans LVL 285 824 049 (EUR 406 690 982) • Incl. loans to households for acquisition...
AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20. aprīlī dzēsīs pārada vērstpapīrus (obligācijas)
April 08, 2009 10:18 ET | Norvik Banka
AS "NORVIK BANKA" 2009.gada 20.aprīlī dzēsīs Bankas emitētās obligācijas ISIN LV0000800654. AS "NORVIK BANKA" saskaņā ar Bankas Obligāciju emisijas prospekta 5.2.8. punktu 2009.gada 20.aprīlī...
JSC „NORVIK BANKA” will repay its notes issue (debt securities) on April 20, 2009
April 08, 2009 10:18 ET | Norvik Banka
JSC “NORVIK BANKA” will repay the Bank's issued notes under ISIN LV0000800654. JSC "Norvik Banka" announces to repay its notes issue volume of 33.700 (thirty three thousands and seven hundred)...
AS “NORVIK BANKA” neauditēts bilances pārskats par 2009. gada marta mēnesi (neiekļaujot bankas meitasuzņēmumu radītājus)
April 07, 2009 02:29 ET | Norvik Banka
AS “NORVIK BANKA” neauditēts bilances pārskats par 2009. gada marta mēnesi (neiekļaujot bankas meitasuzņēmumu radītājus) pielikumā. Finanšu iestāžu pārvalde AS “NORVIK BANKA” Tālr.: +371...
JSC „NORVIK BANKA” Unaudited Balance Sheet for March 2009 (Excluding the Results of Bank's Subsidiary Companies)
April 07, 2009 02:29 ET | Norvik Banka
Please find enclosed JSC „NORVIK BANKA” Unaudited Balance Sheet for March 2009 (Excluding the Results of Bank's Subsidiary Companies) Financial Institutions Department JSC ”NORVIK BANKA”...