OEG: Novalpina Capital Partners I GP S.à r.l. teade muudatusest häälte arvus
May 04, 2018 11:00 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
04.05.2018 teatas Novalpina Capital Partners I GP S.à r.l. Olympic Entertainment Group AS-ile („OEG“), et 02.05.2018 tõusis Odyssey Europe AS-i osalus OEG-s üle 10%. Nimetatud kuupäeva seisuga kuulus...
OEG: Notice of Novalpina Capital Partners I GP S.à r.l. regarding change in number of votes
May 04, 2018 11:00 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
On 04.05.2018, Novalpina Capital Partners I GP S.à r.l. informed Olympic Entertainment Group AS (“OEG“) that on 02.05.2018 the shareholding of Odyssey Europe AS in OEG increased above 10%. As of...
OEG: Ühinemise ettevalmistamine
May 02, 2018 15:00 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Odyssey Europe AS („Ülevõtja“) on 04.04.2018 avalikustatud Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i („OEG“) aktsiate omandamiseks tehtud avaliku vabatahtliku ülevõtmispakkumise („Ülevõtmispakkumine“) teates...
OEG: Preparations for Merger
May 02, 2018 15:00 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
In the notice and prospectus for voluntary public takeover offer (the “Offer”) made for the acquisition of shares of Olympic Entertainment Group AS („OEG“), published on 04.04.2018, Odyssey Europe...
Kordusteade 18.04.2018 Nõukogu arvamus vabatahtliku ülevõtmispakkumise kohta
April 20, 2018 08:41 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Nõukogu arvamus vabatahtliku ülevõtmispakkumise kohta manuses. Madis Jääger Juhatuse esimees Olympic Entertainment Group AS E-mail madis.jaager@oc.eu http://www.olympic-casino.com
Repeated 18.04.2018 Opinion of supervisory board on voluntary takeover offer
April 20, 2018 08:41 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Please find attached the opinion of supervisory board on voluntary takeover offer. Madis Jääger CEO Olympic Entertainment Group AS Tel + 372 667 1250 E-mail...
April 20, 2018 08:35 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS, registrikood 10592898, aadress Pronksi 19, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10124 (edaspidi Aktsiaselts), kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku...
Repeated 18.04.2018 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Olympic Entertainment Group AS
April 20, 2018 08:35 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS, registry code 10592898, address Pronksi 19, Tallinn, Harju County, 10124 (hereinafter the Company), convenes annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Company that...
Nõukogu arvamus vabatahtliku ülevõtmispakkumise kohta
April 18, 2018 10:07 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Nõukogu arvamus vabatahtliku ülevõtmispakkumise kohta manuses. Madis Jääger Juhatuse esimees Olympic Entertainment Group AS Tel + 372 667 1250 E-post...
Opinion of supervisory board on voluntary takeover offer
April 18, 2018 10:07 ET
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Please find attached the opinion of supervisory board on voluntary takeover offer. Madis Jääger CEO Olympic Entertainment Group AS Tel + 372 667 1250 E-mail...