Indberetning af bestyrelsens og ledende medarbejderes samt disses nærtståendes transaktioner med aktier.
August 27, 2007 03:59 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
I henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 28a skal A/S Ringkjøbing Bank
indberette oplysninger om ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes
transaktioner med A/S Ringkjøbing Banks aktier.
Navn ...
Report on transactions with shares by members of the board, persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons/companies related to these.
August 27, 2007 03:59 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
According to section 28a of the Danish Securities Act A/S Ringkjøbing Bank must
report transactions with A/S Ringkjøbing Bank's shares by managerial staff and
their related parties.
Name ...
Interim report for the period 1 January to 30 June 2007
August 16, 2007 01:52 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Interim report for the period 1 January to 30 June 2007
Today the board of directors of Ringkjøbing Bank has considered and adopted the
bank's interim report for the period covering 1 January to...
Halvårsrapport for perioden 1. januar - 30. juni 2007
August 16, 2007 01:52 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Halvårsrapport for perioden 1. januar - 30. juni 2007
Ringkjøbing Banks bestyrelse har i dag behandlet og godkendt bankens
halvårsrapport, som omfatter perioden 1. januar - 30. juni 2007....
samlet antal stemmerettigheder og samlet kapital
June 29, 2007 03:06 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
I medfør af § 6 i bekendtgørelse nr. 226 af 15. marts 2007 om udsteders
oplysningsforpligtelser skal det herved meddeles, at det samlede antal
stemmerettigheder i A/S Ringkjøbing Bank udgør...
total number of voting rights and total share capital
June 29, 2007 03:06 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Pursuant to section 6 of Announcement no. 226 of 15 March 2007 on the
obligation for issuers to disclose we hereby announce that the total number of
voting rights in A/S Ringkjøbing Bank amounts to...
Vedtægter efter kapitalnedsættelse
June 14, 2007 07:55 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Vedtægter for A/S Ringkjøbing Bank.
Articles of association after reduction of share capital
June 14, 2007 07:55 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Articles of association - A/S Ringkjøbing Bank
Gennemførelse af kapitalnedsættelse
June 14, 2007 07:47 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
Som oplyst i referatet fra bankens ordinære generalforsamling den 7. marts
2007, blev det på generalforsamlingen besluttet at nedsætte bankens
aktiekapital med 800.000 kr.
Beslutningen blev...
Reduction of Share Capital becomes effective
June 14, 2007 07:47 ET
Ringkjøbing Bank A/S
As stated in the minutes of the bank's ordinary general meeting held on 7 March
2007, it was adopted by the general meeting to reduce the share capital by DKK
This decision was...