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Kvartalsrapport Q1 2018 - Totalkredit A/S
May 09, 2018 01:30 ET
Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen (for relevante selskaber) og pressen NYKREDIT offentliggør i dag...
Interim Report Q1 2018 - Totalkredit A/S
May 09, 2018 01:30 ET
Totalkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen and the press Today, Nykredit announces the interim reports of: ...
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93)
May 07, 2018 05:20 ET
Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) ...
Prepayments (CK93)
May 07, 2018 05:20 ET
Totalkredit A/S
To the Nasdaq Copenhagen Prepayments (CK93) ...
Vilkår for Nykredits og Totalkredits auktioner
May 02, 2018 08:40 ET
Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen 2. maj 2018 Vilkår for Nykredits og Totalkredits auktioner Det samlede...
Terms for Nykredit and Totalkredit's auctions
May 02, 2018 08:40 ET
Totalkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen 2 May 2018 Terms for Nykredit's and Totalkredit's auctions The total bond...
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93)
April 30, 2018 02:50 ET
Totalkredit A/S
Til Nasdaq Copenhagen 30. april 2018 Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) I medfør af lov om værdipapirhandel § 27a, stk. 1, offentliggør Totalkredit A/S hermed oplysninger om ekstraordinære indfrielser...
Prepayments (CK93)
April 30, 2018 02:50 ET
Totalkredit A/S
To the Nasdaq Copenhagen 30 April 2018 Prepayments (CK93) Pursuant to s 27a(1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Totalkredit A/S hereby publishes prepayment data (CK93) as at 27 April 2018 in the...
Ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93)
April 23, 2018 05:00 ET
Totalkredit A/S
I medfør af lov om værdipapirhandel § 27a, stk. 1, offentliggør Totalkredit A/S hermed oplysninger om ekstraordinære indfrielser (CK93) pr. den 20. april 2018 i vedhæftede fil. Oplysningerne vil...
Prepayments (CK93)
April 23, 2018 05:00 ET
Totalkredit A/S
Pursuant to s 27a(1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Totalkredit A/S hereby publishes prepayment data (CK93) as at 20 April 2018 in the attached file. Furthermore, the data will be distributed...