On resolution of shareholders’ meeting of ““Ventspils nafta” termināls” Ltd
November 11, 2014 09:05 ET
Ventspils nafta
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, the shareholders' meeting of the JSC “Ventspils nafta” subsidiary ““Ventspils nafta” termināls” Ltd adopted a resolution to reduce the share capital of “Ventspils...
Deviņos mēnešos AS “Ventspils nafta” meitas sabiedrību pārkrauto un transportēto produktu apjomi – stabili
October 16, 2014 10:52 ET
Ventspils nafta
Šā gada trešajā ceturksnī AS “Ventspils nafta” meitas uzņēmums SIA ““Ventspils nafta” termināls” (VNT) pārkrāva 2,05 miljonus tonnu naftas un naftas produktu. Savukārt SIA “LatRosTrans” (LRT) naftas...
In nine months the amount of products transhipped by JSC “Ventspils nafta” subsidiaries — stable
October 16, 2014 10:52 ET
Ventspils nafta
In the third quarter of 2014 ““Ventspils nafta” terminals” Ltd. (VNT), subsidiary of JSC “Ventspils nafta”, transhipped 2.05 million tons of oil and petroleum products. But transhipment amounts...
Half-year Net Profit of JSC “Ventspils nafta” Group - 4.35 million euro
August 29, 2014 02:35 ET
Ventspils nafta
Ventspils nafta terminals
Revenue of Ventspils nafta terminals grew by 4.25 million euro up to 44.72 million euro, which was caused by a slight increase in the amount of transhipped petroleum...
AS “Ventspils nafta” koncerna pusgada neto peļņa – 4,35 miljoni eiro
August 29, 2014 02:35 ET
Ventspils nafta
Ventspils nafta termināls
Ventspils nafta termināls ieņēmumi palielinājās par 4,25 miljoniem eiro līdz 44,72 miljoniem eiro, kam par iemeslu bija neliels naftas produktu pārkraušanas...
Half-year Performance Results of VNT and LRT are stable
July 16, 2014 02:26 ET
Ventspils nafta
Management of the “Ventspils nafta” group indicates that the total amount transhipped by VNT in the first six months was 2.6% bigger than in 2013 thus showing that despite the tough competition in...
VNT un LRT pusgada darbības rezultāti bijuši stabili
July 16, 2014 02:26 ET
Ventspils nafta
AS „Ventspils nafta” grupas uzņēmumu vadība norāda, ka kopējais VNT gada pirmajos sešos mēnešos pārkrautais apjoms ir bijis par 2,6% lielāks nekā 2013. gadā un liecina, ka, neskatoties uz...
Par SIA „LatRosTrans“ ārkārtas dalībnieku sapulces lēmumu
June 18, 2014 09:21 ET
Ventspils nafta
Veicot sabiedrības ilgtermiņa aktīvu pārvērtēšanu, 2013. gada finanšu pārskatā tika atzīti zaudējumi no sabiedrības ilgtermiņa aktīvu vērtības samazināšanās 44,5 milj. LVL (63 milj....
On resolution of extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of LatRosTrans Ltd
June 18, 2014 09:21 ET
Ventspils nafta
Upon revaluation of the company’s long-term assets, losses from impairment of the company’s long-term assets in the amount of 44.5 million LVL (63 million EUR) were recognised in the 2013 financial...
Denomination of shares from lats to euro
June 17, 2014 09:37 ET
Ventspils nafta
The Articles of association are registered within Commercial registry on June 13, 2014.
The new Articles of association attached.
About JSC Ventspils nafta
JSC Ventspils nafta is one of the...