BACHRACH Joins Team of Racing For Kids(R) Sponsors
May 17, 2007 15:15 ET
Racing For Kids
DETROIT, MI -- (MARKET WIRE) -- May 17, 2007 -- Racing For Kids® announced today that leading
men's clothier BACHRACH is joining the ranks as a sponsor of the
Detroit-based international...
Racing For Kids(R) Visits 2,000 Sick Kids at 24 Hospitals in 2006; Donations to Children's Hospitals Approach $5 Million
January 25, 2007 07:17 ET
Racing For Kids
GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MI -- (MARKET WIRE) -- January 25, 2007 -- Racing For Kids®, a non-profit
organization founded here in 1989 to use motorsports to focus public
attention and funding on the...