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Argonaut Private Equity selects Intapp to improve personal trading oversight
June 25, 2024 09:00 ET
Intapp Inc.
PALO ALTO, Calif., June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intapp (NASDAQ: INTA), a leading global provider of AI-powered solutions for professionals at advisory, capital markets, and legal firms,...
Lodestone Security expands operations into Europe and opens office in London
October 19, 2021 04:30 ET
Beazley Group
London, Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lodestone Security, a leader in cyber defence and incident response in the US, is expanding its global reach by opening an office in London. Adam Harrison...
Beazley enhances Reputational Risk offering with AI-enabled tools providing enhanced insights for policyholders
January 25, 2021 08:19 ET
Beazley Group
London, Jan. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Specialist insurer Beazley has enhanced its pioneering Reputational Risk insurance policy by providing artificial intelligence-enabled tools to help...
Beazley-led consortium to offer insurance and crisis management solution to mitigate reputational risk
April 29, 2019 04:00 ET
Beazley Group
London, April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Specialist Lloyd’s insurer Beazley is partnering with other Lloyd’s insurers to offer a unique and flexible solution to an issue that has long preoccupied...