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Bonduelle renforce à
Bonduelle renforce à nouveau sa flexibilité financière et adosse ce financement à des objectifs de développement durable
November 30, 2020 12:01 ET | BONDUELLE
BONDUELLE Société en commandite par actions au capital de 56 942 095 eurosSiège social : "La Woestyne" 59173 - RenescureRCS Dunkerque 447 250 044 Villeneuve d’Ascq, le 30 novembre 2020 ...
Once again, Bonduelle strengthens its financial flexibility and aligns this financing to sustainable development objectives
November 30, 2020 12:01 ET | BONDUELLE
BONDUELLE A French SCA (Partnership Limited by Shares) with a capital of 56 942 095 EurosHead Office: La Woestyne 59173 Renescure, FranceRegistered under number: 447 250 044 (Dunkerque Commercial...
Rhino Resource Partners LP Announces New Financing Agreement
December 28, 2017 07:00 ET | Rhino Resource Partners LP
LEXINGTON, KY, Dec. 28, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rhino Resource Partners LP (OTCQB: RHNO) (“Rhino” or the “Partnership”) today announced that it executed a new three year, $80 million financing...