Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
October 04, 2010 03:53 ET | Panevezio Statybos Trestas
On the initiative of the Board of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB and following the resolution, the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB (address of...
Indreværdi er den 4. oktober 2010 kr. 0,99
October 04, 2010 03:50 ET | Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S
Spar Nord Formueinvest A/S indre værdi er den 4. oktober 2010 beregnet til kr. 0,99. ...
Indre værdi af DK Trends Invest A/S er opgjort til 78,0 kr. pr. aktie
October 04, 2010 03:18 ET | DKTI A/S
Den indre værdi af DK Trends Invest A/S er d.d. opgjort til 78,0 kr. pr. aktie baseret på lukkekurserne d. 01. oktober 2010. I opgørelsen er egenkapitalen baseret på den aktuelle kursværdi af...
Indre værdi af SmallCap Danmark A/S er opgjort til 76,5 kr. pr. aktie
October 04, 2010 03:15 ET | Ennogie Solar Group A/S
Den indre værdi af SmallCap Danmark A/S er d.d. opgjort til 76,5 kr. pr. aktie baseret på lukkekurserne d. 01. oktober 2010. I opgørelsen er egenkapitalen baseret på den aktuelle kursværdi af...
er den 4. oktober 2010 opgjort til 106,67 kr.
October 04, 2010 03:03 ET | Alm. Brand Formue A/S
Indreværdi for Alm. Brand Formue A/S. ...
DGAP-CMS: Volkswagen Leasing GmbH: Release according to Article 30e of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
October 04, 2010 03:02 ET | EQS Group AG
Volkswagen Leasing GmbH / New loan issues and their warranties according to § 30e Para. 1, No. 2 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] 04.10.2010 09:02 Dissemination of a...
2010 a year of rapid growth for Nokia developers in Africa
October 04, 2010 03:02 ET | Nokia Oyj
Ovi Store submissions nearly double; operator billing leads to significant growth in paid downloads; African developers shine in Calling All Innovators and Growth Economy Venture Challenge Espoo,...
Change in the owners
Change in the ownership of Raisio's own shares
October 04, 2010 03:00 ET | Raisio Oyj
Raisio plc Stock Exchange Release 4 October 2010 CHANGE IN THE OWNERSHIP OF RAISIO'S OWN SHARES Raisio Group has a three-year...
Tilldelning av nya aktier till optionsinnehavare som påkallat utbyte mot aktier
October 04, 2010 02:55 ET | Tretti AB
Tilldelning av nya aktier till optionsinnehavare som påkallat utbyte mot aktier Styrelsen i Tretti AB (publ.) har beslutat att tilldela optionsinnehavare sammanlagt 16.000 nya aktier. Det innebär...
INVISIO Communicatio
INVISIO Communications receives order from the US Army
October 04, 2010 02:40 ET | INVISIO Communications AB (publ)
Stockholm, October 4, 2010 INVISIO has received an order from the US Army through a partner. The order is for the communications system INVISIO X50 control unit with INVISIO X5 headsets. Total order...