Audited Report 2009
Audited Report 2009
April 26, 2010 02:38 ET | Grobina
Attach:Audited 2009 report, the auditor's opinion, the corporate governance report ...
Draft resolutions pr
Draft resolutions prepared by the Board for the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting to be held on 18 May 2010
April 26, 2010 02:35 ET | Siauliu Bankas
The draft resolutions for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 18 May 2010 regarding the agenda issues prepared by the Board of Šiaulių bankas AB are provided. ...
April 26, 2010 02:33 ET | Nasdaq Tallinn
CHANGES IN SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDINGS As of 26.04.2010 the following significant changes have taken place in the ownership structure of the companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn, compared with...
DGAP-Adhoc: ad pepper media International N.V. starts 2010 with profitable growth
April 26, 2010 02:32 ET | EQS Group AG
ad pepper media International N.V. / Quarter Results/Preliminary Results 26.04.2010 08:32 Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted by DGAP - a company of...
DGAP-News: Laboratory results from the gold exploration in Guinea-Bissau released
April 26, 2010 02:32 ET | EQS Group AG
West Africa Mining Holding AG / Miscellaneous 26.04.2010 08:32 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The issuer / publisher is solely responsible...
DGAP-News: ATOSS Software AG: Further strong improvement in earnings quality on record sales
April 26, 2010 02:30 ET | EQS Group AG
ATOSS Software AG / Quarter Results/Preliminary Results 26.04.2010 08:30 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG. The issuer / publisher is solely...
Ahold share buyback update
April 26, 2010 02:30 ET | Ahold Delhaize
Amsterdam, the Netherlands - Ahold has repurchased 1,294,768 Ahold common shares in the period from April, 19, 2010 up to and including April, 23, 2010. The shares were repurchased at an average price...
Tieto divests its Fr
Tieto divests its French subsidiary
April 26, 2010 02:30 ET | Tieto
Stock exchange release          26 April 2010, 9.30 am EET Tieto Corporation has agreed to sell its French subsidiary to the French IT company Devoteam. Tieto will book EUR 5.2 million in impairment...
Tieto myy Ranskan ty
Tieto myy Ranskan tytäryhtiönsä
April 26, 2010 02:30 ET | Tieto
Pörssitiedote     26.4.2010, klo 9.30 EET Tieto Oyj on sopinut Ranskan tytäryhtiönsä myynnistä ranskalaiselle tietotekniikkayhtiölle Devoteamille. Tieto kirjaa kaupasta 5,2 milj....
Tieto säljer sitt fr
Tieto säljer sitt franska dotterbolag
April 26, 2010 02:30 ET | Tieto
Börsmeddelande                  26 april 2010, 8.30 CET Tieto Abp har beslutat att sälja sitt dotterbolag i Frankrike till det franska IT-företaget Devoteam. Som följd av försäljningen kommer Tieto...