April 02, 2009 05:10 ET | Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
EXCHANGE NOTICE 85/2009, 2 APRIL 2009 BONDS BONDS LISTING ON 3 APRIL 2009 The following bonds will be listed on the official list as of 3 April 2009. Name of Bond: ...
Randgold Resources Limited: Continued organic growth in reserves and resources
April 02, 2009 05:08 ET | Randgold Resources Ld
JERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS--(Marketwire - April 2, 2009) - RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED Incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands Reg. No. 62686 LSE Trading Symbol: RRS Nasdaq Trading Symbol:...
Randgold Resources Limited: Sustained profitability lays foundation for growth
April 02, 2009 05:07 ET | Randgold Resources Ld
JERSEY, CHANNEL ISLANDS--(Marketwire - April 2, 2009) - RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED Incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands Reg. No. 62686 LSE Trading Symbol: RRS Nasdaq Trading Symbol:...
- SPM Savings Bank converts subsidiaries debt to equity
April 02, 2009 05:03 ET | Sparisjóður Mýrasýslu
SPM Savings Bank converts subsidiaries debt to equity. Afl Savings bank dept of ISK 500 million was converted to equity and Savings Bank of Ólafsfjörður debt of ISK 330 million was changed to...
Wihlborgs Årsredovisning 2008
April 02, 2009 04:54 ET | Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB
Wihlborgs Årsredovisning 2008 Från och med idag, 2 april 2009, finns Wihlborgs årsredovisning för 2008 publicerad i webbversion på bolagets hemsida Den tryckta årsredovisningen är...
Annual overview
April 02, 2009 04:52 ET | Photocure ASA
Issuers of listed transferable securities are required to provide Oslo Stock Exchange with an annual statement of information made available to the public in accordance with Stock Exchange...
Change in number of
Change in number of shares in mermaid technology a/s
April 02, 2009 04:48 ET | First North Denmark
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Copenhagen, 2 April 2009...
- Leitað verður heimilda til formlegs nauðarsamnings við lánadrottna
April 02, 2009 04:48 ET | Egla hf.
Stjórn Eglu hf. hefur ákveðið að leita heimildar til formlegs nauðasamnings við lánardrottna félagsins. Síðdegis í dag var haldinn fundur sem allir lánardrottnar félagsins voru boðaðir til, þar sem...
Operating results du
Operating results during March of the year 2009
April 02, 2009 04:47 ET | KN Energies
SC KLAIPĖDOS NAFTA transshipment results -1948.6 thousand tons of oil products from January 1,2009, including 521.6 thousand tons of oil products during March; earnings (preliminary)- LTL...
Semcon fortsätter det långa samarbetet med Fortum
April 02, 2009 04:46 ET | Semcon AB
Semcon fortsätter det långa samarbetet med Fortum För energibolaget Fortums räkning ska Semcon konstruera och installera en ny el- och kontrollutrustning i en kraftstation i Härjedalen med en...