DGAP-PVR: HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution
March 20, 2008 05:20 ET | EQS Group AG
HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft / Release of an announcement according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] (share) 20.03.2008 Release of a Voting Rights...
Decision of Market S
Decision of Market Services Department (as of 20-03-2008, No.87)
March 20, 2008 05:17 ET | Nasdaq Vilnius
To resume trading of these financial instruments on 26-03-2008: Žemaitijos pienas ORS (LT0000121865 ZMP1L) The volume of issue is increased and face value is reduced. Before the...
SKF provides Austrian premium class Railjet trains with axleboxes
March 20, 2008 05:11 ET | SKF, AB
SKF provides Austrian premium class Railjet trains with axleboxes SKF have been awarded a contract to the value of more than 5 million EUR from Siemens Transportation Systems, for the new long...
SKF förser österrikiska Railjet-tåg med axelboxar
March 20, 2008 05:10 ET | SKF, AB
SKF förser österrikiska Railjet-tåg med axelboxar SKF har vunnit ett kontrakt värt över 5 miljoner euro från Siemens Transportation Systems för de nya Railjet-tågen för de...
Clearing - Expiratio
Clearing - Expiration information – Stocks (18/08)
March 20, 2008 05:09 ET | Derivatives
Average prices exercise of Norwegian equity options 2008-03-19 ...
Amer Sports Corporat
Amer Sports Corporation: Franklin's holding in Company below 5%
March 20, 2008 05:00 ET | Amer Sports Oyj
Pursuant the Finnish Securities Market Act (Section 2:9), Amer Sports Corporation has been notified that the total number of shares held by the mutual funds and separate accounts managed by the...
Franklin Resources I
Franklin Resources Inc.:n omistus Amer Sportsissa alle 5 prosenttia
March 20, 2008 05:00 ET | Amer Sports Oyj
Arvopaperimarkkinalain 2. luvun 9. pykälän mukaisesti Franklin Resources Inc. on ilmoittanut, että sen määräysvallassa olevien rahastojen ja yksittäisten sijoittajien omistamat osakkeet edustavat 4,96...
Amer Sports Corporat
Amer Sports Corporation: Franklin's holding in Company below 5%
March 20, 2008 05:00 ET | Amer Sports
Pursuant the Finnish Securities Market Act (Section 2:9), Amer Sports Corporation has been notified that the total number of shares held by the mutual funds and separate accounts managed by the...
Information regarding the auditor's report for the subsidiary Carnegie Investment Bank AB
March 20, 2008 05:00 ET | D. Carnegie & Co AB
Information regarding the auditor's report for the subsidiary Carnegie Investment Bank AB Authorized Public Accountant Jan Palmqvist at Deloitte AB has today submitted his auditor's report for the...
Information om revisionsberättelsen för dotterbolaget Carnegie Investment Bank AB
March 20, 2008 05:00 ET | D. Carnegie & Co AB
Information om revisionsberättelsen för dotterbolaget Carnegie Investment Bank AB Auktoriserade revisorn Jan Palmqvist, Deloitte AB, har idag lämnat sin revisionsberättelse för räkenskapsåret 2007...