Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting of
April 24, 2008 02:53 ET | Bure Equity AB
Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting of KEY ITEMS OF BUSINESS AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) OF BURE EQUITY AB (PUBL) ON 23 APRIL 2008: Election of Board members Sitting...
DELÅRSRAPPORT Januari-Mars 2008
April 24, 2008 02:52 ET | Ballingslöv International AB
DELÅRSRAPPORT Januari-Mars 2008 Ballingslöv International AB (publ) Organisationsnummer 556556-2807 Nettoomsättningen ökade med 2 procent till 708,0 Mkr (696,8). Den organiska tillväxten uppgick...
Annual general meeting 2008 - additional information
April 24, 2008 02:52 ET | Prosafe SE
Reference is made to press release dated 21 April 2008 regarding Notice of annual general meeting of Prosafe SE.   Please find attached additional information in connection with this annual...
Preliminary announce
Preliminary announcement of 2007/08 annual financial results - TK Development A/S
April 24, 2008 02:50 ET | Agat Ejendomme A/S
The profit of DKK 249.5 million after tax and minority interests meets expectations for the year. TK Development continues to expect profits to increase to about DKK 300 million after tax for the...
Aker Solutions removes EPC-LNG contract from order backlog
April 24, 2008 02:50 ET | Akastor ASA
24 April 2008 - The USD 665 million EPC-LNG contract was awarded to the joint venture (50/50) between Aker Solutions (formerly Aker Kvaerner) and IHI, Inc. (formerly Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy...
Årsstämma och extra bolagsstämma i Bure Equity AB
April 24, 2008 02:50 ET | Bure Equity AB
Årsstämma och extra bolagsstämma i Bure Equity AB VID ÅRSSTÄMMA I BURE EQUITY AB (PUBL) DEN 23 APRIL 2008 BEHANDLADES BLAND ANNAT FÖLJANDEN ÄRENDEN: Val av styrelse Till Bures styrelse omvaldes...
1st Quarter Results 2008 : Consistent performance
April 24, 2008 02:45 ET | Akastor ASA
Continued strong markets and high activity First two drilling equipment contracts successfully delivered USD 223 million subsea contract with Petrobras in Brazil NOK 1 billion improvement...
Delårsrapport januari - mars 2008
April 24, 2008 02:45 ET | Teligent AB
Teligent organiseras i en produktdriven enhet och en lösningsdriven konsultenhet * Nettoomsättningen för kvartalet uppgick till 128,2 (102,8) miljoner kronor en ökning med 25%. ...
Atlas Copco köper tillverkare av boosters och kompressorer för olje- och gasindustrin
April 24, 2008 02:45 ET | Atlas Copco AB
Atlas Copco köper tillverkare av boosters och kompressorer för olje- och gasindustrin Stockholm den 24 april 2008: Atlas Copco North America LLC, USA, har tecknat ett avtal med Grimmer Industries...
Atlas Copco acquires manufacturer of boosters and compressors for the oil and gas industries
April 24, 2008 02:45 ET | Atlas Copco AB
Atlas Copco acquires manufacturer of boosters and compressors for the oil and gas industries Stockholm, Sweden, April 24, 2008: Atlas Copco North America LLC, USA, has signed an agreement with...