Årsrapport 2007
March 31, 2008 08:39 ET
Investea Stockholm Retail A/S
Investea Stockholm Retail A/S' B-aktier blev optaget til handel på First North
i juli 2007. Efter B-aktiernes optagelse til handel på First North har driften
i selskabets butikscenter,Hallunda...
Novo Nordisk A/S - aktietilbagekøbsprogram
March 31, 2008 08:36 ET
Novo Nordisk A/S
I henhold til dette program vil Novo Nordisk tilbagekøbe B-aktier for et beløb på indtil 2 mia. kr. i perioden fra 31. januar 2008 frem til 6. august 2008.
Siden meddelelsen den 17. marts...
Treasury Stock
March 31, 2008 08:36 ET
Novo Nordisk A/S
On 31 January 2008 Novo Nordisk initiated its share repurchase programme in accordance with the provisions of the European Commission's regulation no 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, also referred to as...
Novo Nordisk A/S - aktietilbagekøbsprogram
March 31, 2008 08:36 ET
Novo Nordisk A/S
Den 31. januar 2008 iværksatte Novo Nordisk et
aktietilbagekøbsprogram i henhold til bestemmelserne i
Europa-Kommissionens forordning nr. 2273/2003 af 22. december 2003,
også kaldet 'Safe...
Treasury Stock
March 31, 2008 08:36 ET
Novo Nordisk A/S
Novo Nordisk A/S - Share repurchase programme
On 31 January 2008 Novo Nordisk initiated its share repurchase
programme in accordance with the provisions of the European
Commission's regulation no...
Decisions of Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting
March 31, 2008 08:34 ET
Kesko Oyj
Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting today adopted the financial statements for 2007 and discharged the Board of...
Kesko Oyj:n yhtiökokouksen päätökset
March 31, 2008 08:34 ET
Kesko Oyj
KESKO OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 31.03.2008 KLO 15.30 1(3)
Kesko Oyj:n varsinainen yhtiökokous vahvisti tänään vuoden 2007 tilinpäätöksen ja myönsi vastuuvapauden hallituksen jäsenille ja...
Net Profit for the Bank Hapoalim Group Totaled NIS 2,679 Million for the Year 2007
March 31, 2008 08:31 ET
Bank Hapoalim
TEL AVIV, March 31, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Bank Hapoalim Group reported today its Financial Results for the year 2007:
* Net Profit for the Bank Group totaled NIS 2,679 million in 2007, excluding...
Cleveland BioLabs Protectan CBLB502 Demonstrates Strong Mitigation Of Hematopoietic Damage at 48 Hours Post-Exposure to 6.5 Gy of Radiation
March 31, 2008 08:30 ET
Cleveland BioLabs, Inc.
BUFFALO, NY--(Marketwire - March 31, 2008) - Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBLI) today
announced that recent primate studies have demonstrated the efficacy of
Cleveland BioLabs's Protectan CBLB502...
Decisions of Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting
March 31, 2008 08:30 ET
Kesko Oyj
Decisions of Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting
Kesko Corporation's Annual General Meeting today adopted the
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