Active Biotechs gara
Active Biotechs garanterade företrädesemission om 240 MSEK; Korrigering
January 04, 2007 05:49 ET | Active Biotech AB
Active Biotechs garanterade företrädesemission om 240 MSEK; KorrigeringAktieägare kan teckna en ny aktie för varje tiotal befintliga aktierSom angetts i pressmeddelande den 18 december 2006 har...
Munters: Munters säljer DEC-verksamheten
January 04, 2007 05:46 ET | Munters AB
Munters säljer DEC-verksamheten Munters säljer DEC-verksamheten (Diesel Emission Control) till Per Holmström, idag verksam inom affärsenheten. Munters och Per Holmström, nuvarande chef för Diesel...
Active Biotechs gara
Active Biotechs garanterade företrädesemission om 240 MSEK; Korrigering
January 04, 2007 05:45 ET | Active Biotech
Som angetts i pressmeddelande den 18 december 2006 har styrelsen för Active Biotech beslutat att genomföra en garanterad företrädesemission om 240 MSEK till teckningskursen 60 kronor per...
Munters: Munters divests the DEC business
January 04, 2007 05:45 ET | Munters AB
Munters divests the DEC business Munters has agreed to divest the DEC business (Diesel Emission Control) to Per Holmström, currently working within the business. Munters and Per Holmström, currently...
Active Biotech's Gua
Active Biotech's Guaranteed Preferential Rights Issue of SEK 240 M; Correction
January 04, 2007 05:41 ET | Active Biotech
As reported in a press release dated December 18, 2006, the Board of Active Biotech has resolved to make a guaranteed preferential rights issue for SEK 240 M at an issue price of SEK 60 per share....
Active Biotech's Gua
Active Biotech's Guaranteed Preferential Rights Issue of SEK 240 M; Correction
January 04, 2007 05:41 ET | Active Biotech AB
Active Biotech's Guaranteed Preferential Rights Issue of SEK 240 M; CorrectionShareholders Can Subscribe for One New Share for Each Ten Shares HeldAs reported in a press release dated December 18,...
Hampiðjan - 10 stærs
Hampiðjan - 10 stærstu hluthafar þann 4. janúar 2007
January 04, 2007 05:37 ET | Hampiðjan hf.
Kennitala Nafn Heimili Pnr Hlutafé % Atkvæði 660991-1669 Vogun hf Pósthólf 233 222 188.030.918 37,61 188.030.918 900304-2008 Landsbankinn-safnreikningu Laugavegur...
Outokumpu Technology
Outokumpu Technology toimittaa hopeatehtaan Krasnojarskiin Venäjälle
January 04, 2007 05:32 ET | Outotec Oyj
Outokumpu Technology on sopinut JSC Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant -yhtiön (KNFMP) kanssa hopeanjalostuslaitoksen toimittamisesta maailman suurimpaan platinametallitehtaaseen Krasnojarskiin...
Outokumpu Technology
Outokumpu Technology to supply silver refinery to Krasnoyarsk, Russia
January 04, 2007 05:27 ET | Outotec Oyj
Outokumpu Technology has agreed with JSC Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant (KNFMP) for the delivery of a silver refinery installation to the world's biggest platinum group metals refinery in...
Nykredit, financial
Nykredit, financial Calendar 2007
January 04, 2007 05:17 ET | Nykredit Realkredit A/S
Nykredit’s financial calendar for 2007...