Notification to the
Notification to the Oslo Stock Exchange re purchase of own shares
May 31, 2005 03:28 ET | Telenor
Telenor`s largest shareholder, the Kingdom of Norway, has committed to participate in the buyback by cancelling a proportionate part of its shares, leaving their ownership unchanged. The compensation...
FRO - Presentation
May 31, 2005 03:27 ET | Frontline plc.
Please find enclosed the presentation of the Interim Results for the Quarter ended March 31st 2005, held in the morning on Tuesday May 31st, on the following...
May 31, 2005 03:26 ET | Frontline plc.
Please find enclosed the presentation of the Interim Results for the Quarter ended March 31st 2005, held in the morning on Tuesday May 31st, on the following...
Melding til Oslo Bør
Melding til Oslo Børs vedr. kjøp av egne aksjer
May 31, 2005 03:26 ET | Telenor
Staten har, som Telenors største aksjeeier, forpliktet seg til å delta i tilbakekjøpet ved å  kansellere en proporsjonal del av sine aksjer slik at statens eierandel forblir uendret....
Metso toimittaa kuit
Metso toimittaa kuitulinjan bambusellutehtaaseen Guizhou Chitianhua Paper Industrialille Kiinaan
May 31, 2005 03:01 ET | Metso Corporation
Metso Paper toimittaa kuitulinjan Guizhou Chitianhua Paper Industrial Co., Ltd:n uuteen sellutehtaaseen Guizhoun maakuntaan Kiinaan. Maaliskuussa 2007 käynnistyvä tehdas on suunniteltu valmistamaan...
Frontline Ltd. Interim Report January - March 2005
May 31, 2005 03:00 ET | Frontline plc.
HIGHLIGHTS   Frontline reports a quarterly result of $279.7 million and earnings per share of $3.74 for the first quarter of 2005. Frontline announces a cash dividend of $3.10 per...
Metso to supply fibe
Metso to supply fiber line for bamboo pulp mill to Guizhou Chitianhua Paper Industrial in China
May 31, 2005 03:00 ET | Metso Corporation
Metso Paper will supply a fiber line to Guizhou Chitianhua Paper Industrial Co., Ltd, Guizhou province, P.R. of China, for their greenfield pulp mill. The mill will start up in March 2007 with a...
Kinnevik: Administrative Court of Appeal Issues Ruling in Tax Cases
May 31, 2005 02:59 ET | Kinnevik
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 31, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Investment AB Kinnevik ("Kinnevik") announced today that the Administrative Court of Appeal has issued a ruling on a number of tax disputes against the...
Administrative court of appeal issues ruling in tax cases
May 31, 2005 02:55 ET | Kinnevik
Investment AB Kinnevik ("Kinnevik) announced today that the Administrative Court of Appeal has issued a ruling on a number of tax disputes against the company. Of the two main disputes, The...
Kammarrätten har avkunnat dom i skattemål
May 31, 2005 02:53 ET | Kinnevik
Investment AB Kinnevik (Kinnevik) meddelade idag att Kammarrätten avkunnat dom i ett antal skattemål mot bolaget. Av de två huvudsakliga tvistefrågorna vann Kinnevik en fråga och förlorade en....