Telenor børsnoteres
Telenor børsnoteres trolig 4. desember
November 01, 2000 08:08 ET | Telenor
Alle privatpersoner i Norge som kjøper aksjer vil, innenfor en begrenset ramme, få en rabatt i forhold til den prisen de institusjonelle investorene betaler. Dersom aksjene beholdes en viss periode,...
Andersen Consulting ja Nokia tarjoavat yhdessä langattomia liiketoimintaratkaisuja
November 01, 2000 06:13 ET | Nokia Oyj
Andersen Consulting ja Nokia julkistivat tänään maailmanlaajuisen yhteistyösopimuksen langattomien wap-ratkaisujen tarjoamisesta. Andersen Consulting ja Nokia yhdistävät osaamisensa palvellakseen...
Nokia julkisti Nokia Activ –ohjelmistotuotteet langattomia yrityssovelluksia varten
November 01, 2000 06:00 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia julkisti tänään uuden ohjelmistoperheen, Nokia Activ Software Suiten, jonka avulla yritykset voivat kehittää entistä tehokkaampia langattomia ratkaisuja erilaisia liiketoimintojaan varten. Nokia...
StreetFusion To Feature Live Earnings Conference Call Webcast for Channell Commercial Corporation
November 01, 2000 05:10 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Wednesday, November 2, 2000, Channell Commercial Corporation (Nasdaq:CHNL) will webcast their 3rd quarter earnings conference call live on StreetFusion,...
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Call Webcast for Argonaut Technologies, Inc.
November 01, 2000 05:08 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 01, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, Argonaut Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:AGNT) will webcast their quarterly earnings conference call live on StreetFusion, the...
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for Alpnet Incorporated, Bluefly, Inc., Computer Sciences Corporation, CyberCash Incorporated
November 01, 2000 05:07 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed below....
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for General Growth Properties, GoAmerica Communications Corp., Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation, Kilroy Realty Corporation
November 01, 2000 05:05 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed...
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for LCC International Inc., Mutual Risk Management Ltd., Modtech Holdings Inc., NEON Communications, Inc.
November 01, 2000 05:04 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed below....
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for QuadraMed Corporation, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, Robotic Vision Systems,
November 01, 2000 05:02 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed below....
StreetFusion To Feature Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Quarterly Earnings Conference Calls for The Shell Transport & Trading Company, plc, Sola International Incorporated, Virage Logic Corporation, Willis Lease Finance Corporation
November 01, 2000 05:00 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- On Thursday, November 02, 2000, StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, will webcast quarterly earnings calls for the companies listed...