Europolitan Vodafone is now Vodafone
April 15, 2002 07:20 ET
Europolitan Holding
KARLSKRONA, Sweden, April 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Europolitan Vodafone is today changing its brand name to Vodafone to elucidate the collaboration with the Vodafone group, the world's largest network...
Nokia ja Nera tiivistävät teknologiayhteistyötään langattomassa tiedonsiirrossa
April 15, 2002 07:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia ja Nera ovat allekirjoittaneet sopimuksen PDH-pohjaisen radioteknologian kehittämisestä. Nera lisenssioi Nokian PDH (plesiokroninen digitaalinen hierarkia) pohjautuvan radioteknologian....
Nokia and Nera intensify their technology cooperation in wireless transmission
April 15, 2002 07:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia and Nera, both leading suppliers of wireless transmission equipment, have taken a step in closer technology co-operation by signing an agreement under which Nera will license Nokia's...
Nordea Revokes Stock Option Programme
April 15, 2002 05:43 ET
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, April 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- The Board of Nordea AB (publ) has today decided to revoke its proposal that was to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting on April 24, 2002 in...
TV2 og NRKs kommentatorer på Telenors Fotball-VM kanal
April 15, 2002 05:34 ET
"Vi er svært fornøyd med at både TV2 og NRK stiller sine meget kvalifiserte fotball-kommentatorer til disposisjon for Telenors VM-kanal under årets Fotball-VM. Sammen med med flerkamera-funksjoner og...
Nocom Signs General Agreement with Bredbandsbolaget; Several New Contracts but Continued Caution on the Market
April 15, 2002 05:27 ET
UPPSALA, Sweden, April 15, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nocom AB (publ) has signed a general agreement with Bredbandsbolaget - B2 Bredband AB (publ) - for advanced consulting services within integration...
CellaVision har nu 10 patenterade uppfinningar
April 15, 2002 05:02 ET
CellaVision AB
"Det är naturligtvis mycket viktigt för oss att skydda vårt arbete och dessutom är patenten ett bevis på att vår teknologi är unik", säger Yvonne Mårtensson, VD på CellaVision AB. "Vår policy är att i...
CellaVision celebrates its 10th patented invention
April 15, 2002 05:02 ET
CellaVision AB
"It is important for us to protect our work and furthermore these patents are a proof of our unique technology", says Yvonne Mårtensson, CEO at CellaVision AB. "Our policy is to apply for patent of...
Proposal by the Board of Directors concerning change of section 5:1 in the bylaws
April 15, 2002 04:06 ET
Orion Oyj
At its meeting held today, the Board of Directors of Orion Corporation has decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held today, 15 April 2002, that, deviating from the...
Hallituksen esitys yhtiöjärjestyksen 5 §:n 1 momentin muuttamiseksi
April 15, 2002 04:02 ET
Orion Oyj
Orion-yhtymä Oyj:n hallitus on tänään pitämässään kokouksessa päättänyt esittää varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle 15.4.2002, että poiketen 4.3.2002 tehdystä esityksestä yhtiöjärjestyksen 5 §:n 1 momentti...
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