Nokia esitteli ensimmäisen monitoimintoisen radiokorttinsa
February 20, 2002 04:10 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia esitteli tänään ensimmäisen datatuotteensa, joka tuo GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) -teknologian kannettaviin tietokoneisiin ja kädessä pidettäviin laitteisiin. Pieni mutta tehokas Nokia...
Nokia and Siemens announce joint support for a global open standard for broadband wireless networks
February 20, 2002 04:08 ET | Nokia Oyj
At the 3GSM World Congress 2002 in Cannes, Siemens Information and Communication Mobile (IC Mobile) and Nokia announced their joint support and coordination for the speedy conclusion of the...
Bure Equity: Year-End Report 2001; High Rate of Investment and Four New Hub Companies Set Up (with link)
February 20, 2002 04:07 ET | Bure Equity
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 20, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Bure Equity: -- The net asset value amounted to SEK 4,025M or SEK 38 per share. Adjusted for dividends, the net asset value fell by 23 per...
Nokia launches the BSC3i, a new IP-capable member of its high-capacity base station controller family
February 20, 2002 04:06 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia has introduced the newest in its line of high-capacity base station controllers at the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes, France. The Nokia BSC3i provides operators of GSM/EDGE networks with...
Nokia introduces a revolutionary Linear Transceiver (LTX) family for Open IP Base Station Architecture
February 20, 2002 04:04 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia launched today at the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes, France, the industry's first high-power multi-carrier linear transceiver (LTX) family of base station modules, as part of the Open IP Base...
ORK - Trade subject
ORK - Trade subject to notification Elkem
February 20, 2002 04:00 ET | Orkla ASA
ORK - Meldepliktig h
ORK - Meldepliktig handel Elkem
February 20, 2002 04:00 ET | Orkla ASA
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Inbjudan till presst
Inbjudan till pressträff
February 20, 2002 04:00 ET | SEB
Ny kronanalys från SEB:s ekonomer   Kronan i EMU:s järngrepp?   Robert Bergqvist, Chefsanalytiker, SEB Merchant Banking, redovisar på onsdag 20 februari, klockan 14.00 på...
Studsvik AB-publ: Press Release, January - December 2001 (with link)
February 20, 2002 03:56 ET | Studsvik
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Feb. 20, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- Studsvik AB (publ): -- Net sales for the Group increased by 7.8 per cent to SEK 882.7 million (818.8). -- The result before tax amounted to...
Nokia unveils uniform platform technology for All-IP mobility networks
February 20, 2002 03:55 ET | Nokia Oyj
Nokia today announced new platform technology for All-IP mobility networks at the 3GSM World Congress in Cannes, France. The new, uniform Nokia FlexiFamily(TM) platforms, based on open standards,...