Bedriftskultur må ve
Bedriftskultur må vedlikeholdes
June 21, 2001 06:00 ET | Orkla ASA
Uten en kultur som rommer disse holdningene, hadde Orkla neppe vært et selskap med over 30 000 medarbeidere og med dominerende posisjoner i stadig større internasjonale markeder. Uten disse...
SEB Trygg Liv sänker
SEB Trygg Liv sänker återbäringsräntan
June 21, 2001 06:00 ET | SEB
- Återbäringsräntan speglar den långsiktiga avkastningen på bolagens tillgångar. Sänkningen är en anpassning till den lägre avkastningen beroende på att börsnedgången fortsatt under 2001, samt vår...
June 21, 2001 05:51 ET | Corem Property Group AB
Application to attend, etc. Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting shall first be registered in the share register kept by the Swedish Securities Register Centre AB (VPC) no later than...
June 21, 2001 05:51 ET | Corem Property Group AB
Anmälan, m.m. Aktieägare som önskar delta i bolagsstämman skall dels vara införd i den av VPC AB förda aktieboken senast tio dagar före stämman dels anmäla sig, samt ange eventuella biträden, hos...
Telenor seeking to a
Telenor seeking to acquire control of DiGi in Malaysia
June 21, 2001 05:39 ET | Telenor
The partial offer was approved by the Securities Commission of Malaysia on June 20, 2001. Under the terms of the offer, Telenor will offer to all holders of the remaining 503 million DiGi shares a...
Presse- og analytike
Presse- og analytikerkonferanse om Telenor og DiGi i Malaysia
June 21, 2001 05:34 ET | Telenor
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Telenor ønsker å ta
Telenor ønsker å ta kontroll over DiGi i Malaysia
June 21, 2001 05:32 ET | Telenor
Securities Commission of Malaysia godkjente den 20. juni 2001 Telenors begrensede offentlige tilbud på aksjer i DiGi. I henhold til betingelsene i tilbudsdokumentet, tilbyr Telenor RM 6,60 (ca....
Dassault Wins Over Twenty Deposits for New Falcon FNX
June 21, 2001 05:07 ET | CompanynewsGroup
PARIS, France, June 21, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- Less than one week after Dassault's press conference announcing an all-new airplane, customers respond enthusiastically. "We have received over twenty...
StreetFusion Announces Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Investor Presentations for Valley National Gases, Inc., Imperial Oil Limited and Devon Energy Corporation
June 21, 2001 05:05 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, June 21, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, is announcing today's live and on-demand broadcasts of investor presentations from the Amex Online...
StreetFusion Announces Live and On-Demand Webcasts of Investor Presentations for Global Light Telecommunications, Inc., Sheffield Pharmaceuticals, Inc., CEL-SCI Corporation And ImageWare Systems, Inc.
June 21, 2001 05:04 ET | StreetFusion
SAN FRANCISCO, June 21, 2001 (PRIMEZONE) -- StreetFusion, the online network for financial events, is announcing today's live and on-demand broadcasts of investor presentations from the Amex Online...