Telenor og NHH inviterer til presselunsj 29. mars
March 23, 2000 06:58 ET
Tilstede under presselunsjen blir:
Konsernsjef Tormod Hermansen, Telenor,
Rektor Victor D. Norman, Norges Handelshøyskole
Nyutnevnt professor i Telenors gaveprofessorat
Etter å ha satt fokus på...
Kemira Safety amerikkalaiselle Scott Technologies Inc:ille
March 23, 2000 06:50 ET
Kemira Oyj
Kemira Safety on kannattava korkean teknologian yhtiö, jolla on hyvät mahdollisuudet kasvaa ja kehittyä hengityssuojainalalla. Kemira Safetyn kaupalla Scott Technologies vahvistaa asemaansa Euroopan...
Annual general meeting at Novo Nordisk A/S
March 23, 2000 06:00 ET
Novo Nordisk A/S
At the annual general meeting of Novo Nordisk A/S today, the shareholders adopted
the Board of Directors' report on the company's activities in the past financial year
the annual accounts with...
March 23, 2000 05:55 ET
Kemira Oyj
The chemical workers strike has come to an end as both parties accepted the agreement proposed to them by the official negotiator. All of Kemira's plants in Finland are being started up immediately....
March 23, 2000 05:31 ET
Kemira Oyj
Yhtiö arvioi, että kaikki laitokset saadaan täyteen tuotantokapasiteettiin muutaman vuorokauden kuluessa. Tuotteiden toimitukset asiakkaille alkavat välittömästi.
Lisätietoa: Kemira Oyj, puh. 010...
StreetFusion Hosts Live and On-Demand Webcast of Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call for Thomas Group, Inc.
March 23, 2000 05:00 ET
San Francisco, March 23, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Thomas Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:TGIS) Q4 earnings conference call can be accessed at 9:00 AM (EST) today at StreetFusion will make a...
Nokia toimittaa GSM-verkkolaajennuksen ja WAP-ratkaisun Hainan Mobile Communicationsille
March 23, 2000 05:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia ja kiinalainen Hainan Mobile Communications ovat sopineet GSM 900 -verkon laajennuksesta ja WAP-ratkaisun (Wireless Application Protocol) toimittamisesta. Sopimuksen arvo on yli 30 miljoonaa...
STMicroelectronics Renews Volume Purchase Agreement with ASM International N.V. for Epsilon 2000 Epitaxial Reactors
March 23, 2000 04:50 ET
ASM International NV
BILTHOVEN, THE NETHERLANDS, March 23, 2000 - ASM International N.V. (Nasdaq and AEX: ASMI) announced today that it had renewed its volume purchase agreement with STMicroelectronics, Inc. (ST). An...
Stock options to everybody at Net Insight
March 23, 2000 04:28 ET
Net Insight AB
One Net Insight stock option gives the option holder a possibility to obtain a share in Net Insight AB during the term of the option at a set price, the so called exercise price, corresponding to at...
Optioner till alla på Net Insight
March 23, 2000 04:27 ET
Net Insight AB
En Net Insight personaloption ger optionsinnehavaren möjlighet att under optionens löptid erhålla en aktie i Net Insight AB till ett bestämt pris, det s.k. lösenpriset, motsvarande lägst 115 % av...
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