Suunto kokonaan Amerin omistukseen
March 21, 2000 03:00 ET
Amer Sports Oyj
Amer on asettanut 21.3.2000 välimiesoikeuden edellyttämän vakuuden Suunto Oyj:n vähemmistöosakkeiden lunastushinnan maksamisesta. Suunnon osakkeet ovat näin ollen sataprosenttisesti Amerin...
Information Highway/Connecta expands on Europe's key market
March 21, 2000 02:43 ET
Corem Property Group AB
berens/partner is one of Germany's pre-eminent concentrated Internet consulting practices, which brings a long list of renowned clients such as Deutsche Bank, Mannesmann, Deutsche Renault, Deutscher...
Information Highway/Connecta expanderar på Europas viktigaste marknad
March 21, 2000 02:35 ET
Corem Property Group AB
berens/partner är ett av de ledande renodlade internetkonsultföretagen i Tyskland och tillför en lång rad namnkunniga kunder som Deutsche Bank, Mannesmann, Deutsche Renault, Deutscher Sparkassen- und...
Nestlé S.A. and Danone to Launch Electronic Market-Place
March 21, 2000 01:50 ET
Nestlé S.A.
Nestlé S.A. and Danone Group, world leaders in the food industry, are to set up Europe's first Internet market-place for e-procurement in the consumer goods sector. will enhance the...
Asia B2B Inks MP3, TFT, DVD TV Exclusives
March 20, 2000 12:22 ET
Bentley Communications Corp.
LONG BEACH, Calif., March 20, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Bentley Communications Corp. (OTCBB:BTLY) announced today that it has signed additional exclusive product distribution agreements for specific..., inc. Expands its Web Site to Accommodate Additional Traffic
March 20, 2000 11:27 ET
|, inc.
FREEHOLD, N.J., March 20, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) --, inc. (OTCBB:SSCP) today announced the release of its expanded web site. The newly designed site boasts detailed...
Gruntal & Co. Chairman Of Investment Policy to Provide Investment Outlook
March 20, 2000 11:10 ET
Gruntal & Co.
PARSIPPANY, NJ, March 20, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- Gruntal & Co. today announced that Joseph V. Battipaglia, internationally known by the financial community and individual investors for his "bullish"...
Investor-presentation available
March 20, 2000 10:57 ET
Frontline plc.
An investor-presentation for Frontline Ltd. held in New York 20th March 2000, is now available on the following address:...
PhotoCure ASA presents positive results of multinational clinical studies (phase III) of Metvix(r) photodynamic therapy for sun-damaged skin (actinic keratosis)
March 20, 2000 10:49 ET
Photocure ASA
At a meeting in Munich on March 18th, PhotoCure ASA presented results of recently completed multinational phase III clinical studies. In the audience were leading dermatologists from Germany,...
PhotoCure ASA presenterer positive resultater fra multinasjonal klinisk studie (fase III) for Metvix(r) i behandling av actinisk keratose (AK)
March 20, 2000 10:45 ET
Photocure ASA
Ved et møte i München 18. mars presenterte PhotoCure ASA resultatene av de avsluttende multinasjonale fase III kliniske studier på aktinisk keratose (AK, et forstadie til hudkreft forårsaket av sol). ...
- January 14, 2025 19:55 ET Disrupting the Vacation Rental Market: Solana Spanish Villas in Tucson Lets Guests 'Name Their Price' for a Luxury Stay
- January 14, 2025 19:01 ET Urgent Aid for Disabled Vets and Wildfire Victims Provided by Veterans Recovery Network