Kemiralta lahjoitusprofessuuri Oulun yliopistoon
March 27, 2000 02:17 ET
Kemira Oyj
Juoma- ja jäteveden puhdistamiseen liittyvien kemikaalien ja kokonaispalvelujen tuottaminen on yksi Kemiran keskeisimmistä kasvualueista. Tälle alalle yhtiö kohdistaa huomattavia voimavaroja myös...
Bericht voor de pers
March 27, 2000 01:54 ET
Heijmans NV
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Press Release
March 27, 2000 01:26 ET
Heijmans NV
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Telenor og spanske Grupo Godó oppretter katalogselskap i Spania
March 26, 2000 13:18 ET
Tu Distrito tilsvarer den norske lokalkatalogen Ditt Distrikt, og vil bli utgitt i Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla og Valencia, Spanias fire største byer. Dette innebærer en utvidelse av Telenor Medias...
CORRECTION: TGA Aviation Files Breach of Contract Suit Against Stevens Aviation
March 24, 2000 12:36 ET
TGA Aviation, Inc.
VAN NUYS, Calif., March 24, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- TGA Aviation, Inc. announced that it filed suit against Stevens Aviation, Inc. and its controlling shareholder, Thomas Foley, for breach of contract,...
Bericht voor alle medewerkers
March 24, 2000 10:03 ET
Heijmans NV
For release content, please refer to the attachment....
Mandatory notification of trade (Eidos)
March 24, 2000 10:00 ET
Ensurge Micropower ASA
Opticom ASA announces that it has been advised by Eidos Plc. (Eidos) that it has sold 1,140,000 shares of Opticom ASA (Opticom) Eidos further confirm that it will retain the balance of its...
Nokia to supply GSM 1800 Network to Chongqing Mobile Telecommunications in China
March 24, 2000 09:09 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokia will deliver base stations, and base station controllers, as well as the Nokia Network Management System. In addition Nokia will provide a full range of Professional Services covering Network...
Nokia toimittaa GSM 1800 -verkkolaajennuksen Chongqingiin Kiinaan
March 24, 2000 05:00 ET
Nokia Oyj
Nokian kiinalainen yhteisyritys Beijing Nokia Mobile Telecommunications on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen GSM 1800 -verkkolaitteiden toimittamisesta Chongqing Mobile Telecommunicationsille. Operaattori...
Rettet emisjon i DNO ASA
March 24, 2000 04:26 ET
DNO har gjennomført en rettet emisjon på tilsammen 3,8 mill. aksjer iht. til tidligere generalforsamlingsvedtak til kurs NK 20,20 pr. aksje.
Ny aksjekapital vil være NOK 169.828.172,- fordelt på...
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