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Ledningsförändringar i SEB
October 25, 2001 07:00 ET | SEB
Fleming Carlborg blir chef för den nya divisionen Nordic Retail and Private Banking. Den nya divisionen är en sammanslagning mellan Personal Banking Sweden och Personal Banking International. Mariana...
MING - Solid bankdri
MING - Solid bankdrift gav godt resultat pr. 3. kvartal
October 25, 2001 06:38 ET | Sparebank 1 SMN
Resultat før skatt på 260 mill kr pr. 3. kvartal, en bedring på 35 mill kr ifh. til samme tid i fjor Økt rentenetto pr. 3. kvartal, 25 mill kr bedre enn tilsvarende periode for året 2000 ...
Renaming ceremony of the FPSO Espoir Ivoirien
October 25, 2001 06:30 ET | Prosafe SE
The renaming ceremony of the Espoir FPSO conversion project took place at the Keppel shipyard in Singapore on the 22 of October 2001. The vessel was then named the Espoir Ivoirien. The Espoir...
Dåp av FPSO Espoir Ivoirien
October 25, 2001 06:28 ET | Prosafe SE
Dåpen av FPSO Espoir Ivoirien ble gjennomført ved Keppel-verftet i Singapore den 22. oktober 2001. Det er planlagt at Espoir Ivoirien vil forlate verftet i løpet av november 2001 med kurs for...
Phase II clinical tr
Phase II clinical trial for Active Biotech's multiple sclerosis drug SAIK-MS
October 25, 2001 06:21 ET | Active Biotech
The Principal Investigator of the SAIK-MS Phase II study will be Professor Chris Polman at VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Chris Polman is Professor of Neurology at the Free...
Fas II klinisk prövn
Fas II klinisk prövning för Active Biotechs läkemedel mot MS
October 25, 2001 06:20 ET | Active Biotech
Professor Chris Polman på VU Medical Centre i Amsterdam, Holland, blir Principal Investigator för den kommande Fas II-studien av Active Biotechs läkemedel mot MS, SAIK-MS. Chris Polman är professor i...
Kinnevik: Interim Report 2001 January 1- September 30
October 25, 2001 06:00 ET | Kinnevik
ADMINISTRATIONAt the Annual General Meeting held on May 18, the shareholders approved the Board's proposal that all the shares in Transcom WorldWide S.A. (Transcom) be distributed to Kinnevik's...
Delårsrapport januar
Delårsrapport januari-september 2001
October 25, 2001 06:00 ET | SEB
Tredje kvartalet i nivå med det andra Det operativa rörelseresultatet uppgick till 5 706 Mkr (8 014). Räntenettot ökade med 9 procent till 9 546 Mkr (8 718). Provisionsnettot minskade med 17...
Changes within SEB G
Changes within SEB Group Executive Committee
October 25, 2001 06:00 ET | SEB
Fleming Carlborg has been appointed head of the new division Nordic Retail and Private Banking. The new division is a merger between Personal Banking Sweden and Personal Banking International. Mariana...
Novo Nordisk invests USD 20 million in Aradigm Corporation
October 25, 2001 06:00 ET | Novo Nordisk A/S
Aradigm and Novo Nordisk are currently in Phase 2 clinical trials with the AERx® insulin Diabetes Management System (iDMS). Clinical results to date confirm that pulmonary drug delivery using the...