NEW YORK, Oct. 11, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Consumers want more than a movie or videogame disc in their mailboxes. According to a recently released research study produced in cooperation with the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), DVDs and Compact Discs are a preferred form of direct marketing that yields significantly higher results than print media and email.
The study, sponsored by DiscMail Direct, an industry coalition of manufacturers, packagers and creative services companies involved in the use of optical media, and DMA, found the following:
- 91% of all respondents who received a DVD/CD in the mail opened the mailer
- 73% actually played the discs it in their computer
- 59% of respondents thought that a DVD was more secure than an email
- Respondents were 85% more likely to prefer receiving a DVD/CD in the mail than an email by the same advertiser
- 89% of respondents said they would spend more time or the same amount of time with a direct mail piece if it included a DVD/CD
"These findings support the results of several leading marketers who have found that DiscMail is becoming a preferred form of digital marketing," says DiscMailDirect Coalition Director Guy Finley. "Today's DiscMail is digital advertising packaged for postal delivery. It converts any mailbox into a digital inbox. It combines the measurable analytics of digital advertising with a physical product that captivates and communicates to consumers."
DiscMail Direct will be providing full results of its new study at the Direct Marketing Association Convention, October 9-14, 2010 in San Francisco, booth #1737.
The DiscMail Direct Coalition was founded by a coalition of businesses and organizations with roots in the home entertainment to create a new category of disc-based mail that significantly increases mail volume and establishes DiscMail Direct member companies as the leaders in optical disc-based direct mail. Steering committee members include: arvato digital services, Cinram, Fusion 92 and Sony DADC.
The DiscMail Direct logo is available at
For more information visit the group's website at: