Tablet and Mobile Marketing in Front Seat With Strong Growth and High Engagement

Q1 2013 Digital Marketing Report by IgnitionOne Highlights Growth and Trends in Digital Marketing

NEW YORK, March 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Research by IgnitionOne, the global leader in SaaS-based digital marketing solutions, revealed that year-over-year (YoY) paid search spend for tablets and smartphones are up 112% and 113%, respectively in the US. Tablet users were also shown to behave differently from PC users and have higher total engagement.

The report, which includes trends across digital advertising, also revealed US. programmatic display spend increased 55% YoY in Q1 with an average clearing price for these ads of $1.51. This bucks the common perception of media bought programmatically as being "low cost and low quality."

These figures are released quarterly by IgnitionOne, which powers more than $30 billion in revenue each year for leading brands through digital marketing solutions.

Key findings in the report:

  • Tablets and Smartphones Continue To Grow At Strong Rate In US – YoY search ad spend for tablets and smartphones are up 112% and 113%, respectively.
  • Tablet Users Differentiate from PC Users by Increased Engagement – In spite of Google's claim that PC and tablet users behave similarly, tablet users show higher engagement and remain worthy of device-targeting.
  • Search Holds Steady In Q1 But Accelerates Over Quarter - Following a strong Q4, US paid search spend remained flat in Q1, when compared to last quarter and 2012. After a disappointing January, the quarter improved during February and March.
  • Yahoo! Bing Network Continues to Inch Ahead – Yahoo! Bing continued to increase their growth and improved their US market share slightly to 24.4%.
  • Programmatic Display – US programmatic display spend saw a 55% YoY increase. An average clearing price for programmatic display ads in Q1 of $1.51 went against the traditional expectation that media bought programmatically is "low cost and low quality."

"Not only are users engaging with more ads on mobile devices, they are also spending more time on marketers' websites when they do," said Roger Barnette, President of IgnitionOne. "This creates both opportunities and challenges as marketers adjust to the changing landscape."

This report is the latest in a series of reports from IgnitionOne, reviewing trends across the online advertising landscape. This and previous quarterly reports can be downloaded at

About IgnitionOne

IgnitionOne® is the global leader in SaaS-based digital marketing solutions, providing world-class proprietary technology and expert services to improve digital marketing performance. IgnitionOne's integrated Digital Marketing SuiteSM (DMS) empowers marketers to centralize, manage and optimize digital media across Search, Display, Social and Mobile, and understand cross-channel attribution while helping to optimize conversions on a marketer's website. Digital marketing is not only simpler when it's integrated, but it is also more effective. Powered by its world-class marketing technology, IgnitionOne provides managed services to help marketers get the most out of their campaigns. At the core of IgnitionOne's solutions is the proprietary Engagement Scoring Algorithm, which determines the value of a user in order to deliver the right message, at the right time, at the right cost, to a marketer's users on and off of their website. 

IgnitionOne currently scores over 300 million users in 55 countries and powers more than $30 billion in revenue each year for leading brands, including General Motors, DIRECTV, Ann Taylor, La Quinta, Travel Guard and Fiat, as well as advertising agencies such as Golley Slater and iProspect.

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