Hermes Creative Awards Recognize The Agency Inside Harte-Hanks For Creative Design Excellence

Eleven Hermes Creative Awards Won for Client Work in Both Traditional and Digital Media

YARDLEY, PA--(Marketwired - Jun 4, 2013) -  The Agency Inside® Harte-Hanks ( an omnichannel customer engagement agency of Harte-Hanks (NYSE: HHS), announced today that it is the recipient of a total of eleven highly-coveted Hermes Creative Awards, along with six honorable mentions. This unique competition awards creative entries solely on concept, copy and design, judging each entry on its own merit, resulting in awards that recognize a high standard of excellence and work serving as an industry benchmark for both traditional and emerging media. The Agency Inside Harte-Hanks won in 2013, out of a total of over 5,600 entries:

  • Four Platinum Hermes Creative Awards: Sony Holiday 2012 Catalog, Sony Indirect Virtual Open House, Sony Skyfall Tie-in Direct Mail, Horizon Medicare Direct Mail Turning 65 Campaign,
  • Seven Gold Hermes Creative Awards: Sony Bravia Internet Video Newsletter, Sony 2012 Black Friday-Cyber Monday Campaign, Sony Skyfall Tie-in Email, Sony Spring 2012 Catalog, Horizon Medicare Educational Video Series (In both the Educational Videos and Video Series for Seniors categories), NEPA Fulfillment Kit, and
  • Six Honorable Mentions: Sony Pinterest-Email Integration, Sony Love to Give Campaign, Sony Mother's Day 2012 Catalog, Sony Top Picks Email, Horizon ReadyCenter, Horizon "Locked Out" Newspaper Ad.

"The Agency Inside Harte-Hanks is pleased to be awarded Hermes Creative Awards, a recognition held in high esteem throughout the advertising industry," said Jeannine Falcone, executive vice president, customer strategy and engagement, Harte-Hanks Direct Marketing, and managing director, The Agency Inside Harte-Hanks. "Our award-winning creative and design work has delivered significant benefits to our leading brand name clients. We are grateful for recognition of our many successful campaigns that engage consumers across multiple channels and technology platforms, wherever they are on their brand interaction and purchase journeys."

The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional materials and programs, and emerging technologies. The Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and freelance professionals. AMCP oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges and rewards outstanding achievement and service to the profession. As part of its mission, AMCP fosters and supports the efforts of creative professionals who contribute their unique talents to public service and charitable organizations. About 15% of entries earned a Platinum award and about 19% earned a Gold Award. The list of winners may be seen at

About Harte-Hanks®
Harte-Hanks, Inc. is a worldwide, direct and targeted marketing company that provides direct marketing services and shopper advertising opportunities to local, regional, national and international consumer and business-to-business marketers. Visit the Harte-Hanks Website at or call (800) 456-9748.

The Agency Inside® Harte-Hanks is a full-service, omnichannel customer engagement agency specializing in direct and digital communications. With award-winning strategy, creative and implementation services, The Agency Inside helps marketers within targeted industries understand, identify, and engage prospects and customers in their channel of choice. Recognized and respected as a market leader for many decades, it is our mission to deploy world-class, insight-driven, multichannel relationship marketing programs that address each client's acquisition, cross-sell, retention and loyalty needs.

This document may contain trademarks that are owned or licensed by Harte-Hanks, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including, without limitation, Harte-Hanks® and other names and marks. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

TAGS: omnichannel, The Agency Inside, Harte-Hanks, customer experience, consumer engagement, Horizon, Sony, Pinterest, multichannel, marketing communications, advertising, Hermes Creative Awards

Contact Information:

Media Contact:
The Agency Inside Harte-Hanks
Morayea Pindziak
(215) 944-9692
